Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy Bday Riley!!

Riley turned 4 on Monday so Candice invited us and Camden and baby Knox to take a party boat out on mission lake for a little bit for lunch and cake. The kiddos loved it... I probably would have too if Candice wasnt driving the boat (she almost ran over kayakers!)!!! ;) Happy 4th Birthday Riley!!! Love you!! XOXOX

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Oh Good Lord!

Just when i get caught up- I suck again. Way too much fun enjoying our summer, trust me, you should see my house. Sick. Rather than a day-to-day, here is a brief run down on how August has been!

*Football officially started. 5 nights a week 530pm-730pm. His team is looking as bad ass as they did last year. Jack is sporting number 7 this year and playing Quarterback. He hated it at first but now that he knows what hes doing he really likes it. Opening Day was two weeks ago. We had 2 scrimmages already. One against the Huntington beach Oilers. We smoked em- 10 td's- 2td's. They quit in the 3rd quarter and said their kids had had enough and our boys were too physical. Uhhhh duh this is football right?!! The next against the South OC Patriots- Smoked them also, 8 td's-1 td. So we are 2-0. Just the way these boys like it. Should be an awesome season!

*I celebrated my 28th bday. I know, im an old fart. I got spoiled by Luke and the boys. And my friends. And got the best bday present ever from Gene and Sue! My new bike!!!! Ahhhhh I LOVE it! We went to Beachfire with the gang for $1 beers and I had a good good night!! (this is the only pic I had from the night lol Thanks Camden!)
*I got a girls trip in!!!! Me, Lindsay, Ambra, Gianna, Kristyn and Andreal headed to Palm Desert for a relaxing weekend in the sun. Seriously, just what i needed. (Havent gotten these pics yet- GIANNA!!!!!)

*Wyatt started soccer. Only two practices so far but he likes it. Its no football but it will do for this year :) We took him to Dicks to pick out his stuff and this kid couldnt have been any happier!! He is all black and is wearing number 6. Lukes helping coach so its been a bit busy in that category also!!

*Lukes softball team won their championship again and they celebrated like little girls! LOL

*Wy finshed swim lessons with Aunt Lari. The kid amazes me. He did awesome and I dont have to worry about him in the water at all really.

*I had my 10 year reunion!!!!! Yes, again, I am old!!! It was alot of fun though, however I think Luke had more fun than I did!! I think I saw him 3 times all night :)
*Leah was in town from nebraska for the reunion so I had a great weekend with my girls. Friday night we went to Laguna for dinner and drinks. Sat the reunion of course and Sunday we had a family day at the beach. Monday we sent her home after a lunch at In n Out!! It was so good to see her and the girls, I hate that they are so far :(

*Jacks football team had a lake day at MV lake, complete with flag football and adult volleyball. So fun!!
*Lots of random playdates and sleepovers and birthdays and silliness and fun times with friends!*We had lots of beach/ lake/ pool/ waterpark days. Its been super hot and we have been soaking up the rays with all our buddies! Its been awesome!!!! The summer is almost over and school is about to start so lets call August a huge wash and get onto September!!! Im ready to stay up to date!!!