Friday, April 30, 2010

So Here Goes....

... my attempt of getting back on track! Im not even really gonna try to catch up on the last 2 and a half months. If i did I would never get to today and still keep up! So Im gonna give you a run down of what we have been up to. And thrown in the pics I do have! Let me start by saying- remember that cute little pink camera I bought on ebay for $20? Ya shes a joke. The thing royally sucks. And I cant carry my big camera around everywhere. So until I buy a new point and shoot thats decent my pictures will be lacking im sure- bare with me! NOW- back to business- the rest of APRIL!!!

Lets see- my mom turned the big 6-0!! OLD FART! We had a small surprise party for her down at the bluff. She was ridiculously surprised to say the least! And drank ALOT, which made for some good entertainment!
My little Maddie moo turned 2! We went to her 2nd birthday bash....
...and her cousin Lily turned one so we had that party and Im sure a few others Im missing!
And some other honorable mentions- Lauren and brians wedding was right around the corner so I went to her bridal shower and Luke went to Scottsdale, AZ for the bachelor party (I missed the bachelorette in San Francisco since it was the same weeknd). Jack started football camp- a coach from one of the older Cowboy teams put on a camp for the whole league. Mon and wed nights for 2 hours for three months. Its all conditioning really but Jacks been loving it and has gotten his butt back in shape for when season starts! There are 4 or 5 kids from his team out there with him, and coach Blake. He still had baseball going on too so he was a busy kid in the month of April! Jacks school district went on strike- the teachers were out of their classrooms for about a week I think. We could send the kids to school but I opted not to. It was like daycare basically, there was no learning going on, and Im home. So really there was no point. And to be honest, I was totally supporting our teachers who get way too little credit for the jobs they do! All in all, alot going on as usual and a really hard month for us as well, which is why you didnt hear too much from the Brady Bunch in blog world! HOWEVER I am making a comeback- so STAY TUNED! :)

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