Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Luke lef thursday to go to Tahoe for Bmoes bday. I stayed back to hang with the kids, and had a really fun weekend planned for us! Friday night we were picking up Hunter and heading to Disneyland. Saturday morning we had a football thing, then we were heading to Chuck e Cheese for a bday party. Saturday night we were off to Monster Jam with all their buddies. We had a full agenda for the next few days. HOWEVER, that damn germ fairy strikes again! Screw her and the stupid cloud she flew in on! Im so sick of people being sick, especailly barf, i HATE barf, i would rather have snotty noses, nasty coughs and fevers for two weeks then one night of barf, and when Lukes gone??!!! CMON!!!! Lindsay and Maddie came over wednesday and two days earlier maddie had a stomach bug. Well after 48 hours of being fine you dont think much of it. However 48 hours after that, and after we got to Disneyland and hadnt even gone on a ride yet mind you, Jackson barfs. AHHHHHHH! I take Hunter home, get Jack home and showered and a bed made up in the family room. I put Wyatt right to sleep to keep him as far away as possible. I was up most the night, paranoid. Finally around 230am he wakes up. Not to barf, to pee. But then is wide awake and wants to watch cartoons and eat!!! Finally at 5 or so he let me turn the tv off and go to sleep. Well at 7am I hear Wy screaming in his room, I go in and he barfs in my hands. I almost died. Then all over the bathroom floor before he finally got to the toilet. So threw him in the shower then made him a bed next to his brother with the barf bowl in between. Gross. About twenty minutes later as I am dozing on the couch after only getting about 3 hours of sleep all night, they start wrestling!!! UMMM NO i dont think so. I spent the next two hours yelling at them to lay down and quit touching each other, for gods sake YOU ARE SICK, ACT LIKE IT!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRR! I finally gave up and let them reak havoc on each other while my fat butt layed on the couch all day. So much for our fun weekend. Sunday was spent, cleaning, sanitizing, washing every piece of bed, towel, clothing and floor mats in our house, and trying to get life back in order after the stupid germ fairy spread her magic evil dust all over the freakin place (Think im bitter at all?!?!) PS It rained all week after that so my weekend stuck inside with my kids turned into a full week stuck inside with my kids. Can we say "VACATION?????"

1 comment:

Carrie Braunalicious said...

OMFG- you need a SERIOUS vacation! I say for every incident of barf, you get one night away. So you've got a two week vacation coming your way sister!