Friday, January 29, 2010

Trouble in Poo Town

(Might be TMI for some of your sensitive ears but I know you moms will get it) So my poor little Wy-man doesnt have an easy time going #2, as opposed to his poo machine of a brother who craps like his dad. Wyatt will go like twice a week. And you can bet when he does they are MASSIVE!!! Lindsay was over the other day and we were in the family room talking and all the sudden you hear this voice from the bathroom, "MOM, come here quick!" "What Wy?" "Look at this hugest log i just took!!" Yes thats my boy... obsessed with his own feces and mighty proud might I add. I humored my young lad and much to my surprise, he had every reason to be proud! I wont go into detail i swear. Anyways, the next day, which was wednesday, I was editing pictures in the am, poor little Wy was stuck in front of the tv playing his computer thing and watching Super Why. And eating. Wyatts favorite past time. This is what the kid ate all day (on top of his 2 fiber gummies i give him everyday).....

A bowl of cereal
A banana and a bunch of strawberries
2 cups of green goodness juice
3 hard boiled eggs
a turkey sandwich
a box of raisins
half a carton of blueberries
AND ALL BEFORE 1PM!!!!!! Hi can we say there is some diahrrea waiting to happen! I was seriously tempted to make him wear a diaper. But today is friday, has the kid crapped??? NO!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE?!?! I swear Im gonna make the doc give him an enema and figure out what toy he stuck up there to block his back door. Its insane. Oh and PS he had 3 hardboiled eggs again yesterday on top of the daily 5 lbs of fruit he eats. Still NO POO! I do not envy him.


Anonymous said...

Dear Amy, Like father- like son. Your beloved was the same way when he was a youngster. His pride in a job well done also extended to farts. Hope Wy doesn't go that route. So sorry to hear of the loss of your puppy and your battle with the boogie man of bacteria, aka the germ fairy. He's a nasty little bugger. Back in the day, I often felt that my favorite perfume was o de Lysol. Keep your chin up. That black cloud will be movin' on soon.--love you! Sue

Unknown said...

Just give the kid an Activia yogurt every day and he'll be fine. Just a thought because it works.