Friday, April 17, 2009


I didnt realize how much I had been missing bunco til we had a bunco party friday night. Cal and J had everyone over to bunco it up.... guess who won?!?!??!!? ME!!!! I won for most wins... which meant I won $75! Ya i was pumped! J won for most buncos and Jake for most losses! Marc and Brandi came too so we left Hunter and Ky with the kids at our house and drove down the street to theirs. Worked out perfect. So excited Hunter and Ky are at the age they can stay with our kids for awhile!! Best babysitters!! Anyways, great night full of booze, buncos, obnoxious winners (such as myself) and sore losers (like Jake who took some of my winnings when he won for most losses lol jk Jake!!)!! There was actually one game me and Jake were on the same team and we had 2 buncos and 5 mini buncos in the same round! It was the best! I love Bunco!

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