Saturday, April 18, 2009

Maddie Turns 1!!

I cannot believe that Maddison is 1 already! It feels like just yesterday i spent all day in that hospital room kicking Jeffs butt at cribbage while Lindsay fought to stay awake with that epidural lol! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this child! Anyone who has seen her knows she has to be one of the most gorgeous kids you have ever seen and her personality makes her that much more cute. Shes hysterical. The boys LOVE their "Maddie Moo" too. They are so cute with her. Lindsay and jeff had her party at her parents house so all the kids swam and had hot dogs and the adults made their own party with beer pong on the front lawn... it looked like something straight out of south central.... John pulled his escalade into the driveway and had his music blaring and here are all these guys playing, drinking and relaxing with their shirts off in the front yard. Classic. It was like 90 degrees out too! perfect day for a pool party... HAPPY 1st TO THE MADDIE MOO!!

After the party we headed to Lala and Bmoes to BBq and go in the spa... the kids were exhausted so it was a short night! But everyone was pretty entertaining!

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