Sunday, July 5, 2009

My Baby is 3!!!

How can this be?!?! These last 3 years have FLOWN by! Its mind boggling that this boy is 3 years old and as much as I love him being three now, some of me misses my baby :( How can you not?! Only the sweetest, funniest, most mellow baby EVER!!! Yes i am talking about Wyatt! Well, Wyatt, where do I begin.... How about with the fact that him and his brother are so much alike yet polar opposites. He is stubborn, like unbelievably stubborn. He will ignore everything you say (especially to Gianna) just to be a strong headed little terd! He is shy, which is bizarre to me cuz at home he is not only crazy and loud but will talk about all these people that he is always so shy around like they are his BFFs. He makes me so angry but only for a minute cuz he never hesitates to do something super cute after sporting his 24/7 tough guy attitude. His arm crossing is the funniest when he gets mad. And he'll look at you and say "Mom, when my dad gets home Im gonna tell on you!" He is a button pusher... Jack will ask him to stop 17 times before I have to intervene. Totally knows how to make you mad! Wy is a perv. I have never met a kid play with himself more than Wy. Hands down his pants all day long. He will sit on the toilet for an extra 5 minutes just to flop his weiner around. Ughh Im in trouble. He talks the funniest ever. Jack was always such a great talker, everything was pronounced perfect, you felt like you were talking to a twelve yr old. Wy still has his lisp (to go with his underbite that has gotten a bit better!), his r's sound like y's, for example Radyn is pronounced yadyn. So many letters are different but at least mom understands this cute language! He has become my little fish, the kid loves the pool and loves to swim. He is now swimming floaty free and Im loving it!! He does everything sooner than his brother did, like potty training, how many 2 year old boys potty train themselves, best kid EVER!! He is a mama's boy, he never wants dad (ok very rarely). I LOVE it!! He aims to please, if you ask him for a kiss and he says no, all you have to do is sport a fake sad lip and he cant resist, he has to make you happy again! He is a brut! I get nervous and sweaty sometimes watching him fight with his brother, thinking Jackson is going to kick his ass! But OMG can this kid hold his own, Jack is in trouble in another year or two! He wants to do anything brother does, he adores Jackson and I dont think I have ever seen two brothers get along quite like these ones. They are truly the best of friends. Wy loves food, the kid will snack all day long if I let him.He's obsessed with fruit snacks, nutri grain bars and honey mustard pretzels. And fruit, this kid loves fruit. He is begininng to be Mr Entertainer, he just wants to make you laugh and is goofy as Jim Carrey. He just makes me smile all day. I wanna love on him and kiss him and pinch his cute little butt 24/7. Wyatt, we love you and couldnt imagine you not being part of our family. Your hilarious personality, one dimpled underbite smile and your cute little blond mohawk is what lets me know that we have done something right in the world!! Happy birthday to my big three year old, We love you Wy Man!!! XOXO

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