Friday, May 1, 2009

Jacks Sleepover

Friday night we had Radyn spend the night. We bbqed some ribs, potatoes and made a salad. When Radyn heard we were having salad he says "But the kids dont have to eat it right?" Well our kids always have to eat their salad so we said "We can just try it!" First thing Radyn ate and finished was his salad lol! Funny kid! We got them Swirlz for dessert, ordered Igor on demand, made some kettle korn and made the three boys beds in the playroom! They played so well together all night long and just had such a good time. Luke and I had Jon and Jill and baby Sohpia over for a bit too so Radyn kept the boys entertained for us :) It was almost midnight by the time they all finally fell asleep and what would you know they were up at 630am! YUKKK! Luke made them chocolate chip pancakes for brekfast while I headed out the door to take pictures. Jack was bummed when Radyn left though... little did he know he was coming back 2 hours later lol!

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