Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Birthday JACK!!!

I have a 4 year old!!! Do you know how weird that is to me?!?!?! Its crazy! To think that 4 YEARS AGO that tiny little man was born, it doesnt seem that long ago at all. Its mind boggling. And who would have thought 4 years ago, the 4lb baby that Luke could hold in the palm of his hand is now tall enough for space mountain at disneyland!!! Haha But really. I honestly couldnt even have imagined that he would turn out to be such a cool kid. Tonight we were at a grad party for a friend of ours and here are all these older men and women telling me not just how cute he was (and I quote "You have the most adorable boys I have EVEr seen!" and I know this!!) but how polite and well behaved and respectful and social and sweet he was. I love hearing these things from perfect strangers.... I know how great my kids are but when someone else can see it in just a matter of minutes makes me feel so proud. There was one lady who he kept talking to and when she heard it was his bday she went right in to get her purse, pulls out a five dollar bill and gives it to Jack and he LIT up and gave her a GIANT hug and thank you. She just melted. And thats Jackson for you. He is such a lover, so sweet. Everyday at least three times a day he will just out of nowhere say "Mom, I love you." or "Dad, I love you so much..." or "Wyatt are you my bestest little buddy?" Its so cute and you cant resist grabbing that little bag of bones and squeezing him tight. You cant know this kid and not fall madly in love with him. He just has the sweetest personality and the cutest little voice. And Im not lying when I say he is just a cool kid... hes all boy, baseball, football, soccer, fighting, skateboarding, motorcycles.... he loves it all. Lately his new thing is Power Rangers. Probably by far the worst thing he has gotten into EVER but its so fun to watch him get so into something. he talks to them like they are real people and they are play fighting him. Its a crack up. Of course is still very much attached to his turtles and ttransformers. His razor is a fave to ride and he has FINALLY mastered pedaling his bike... I dunno why it took so long. He is probably the best big brother a boy could ask for. HE is so sweet to Wy, doesnt let anyone mess with him, and even when Wyatt steals his toys (which happens numerous times an hour) Jack doesnt get mean and steal it back, I hear about it first which is AMAZING for a 4 year old. Hes always finding new ways to make him happy and fun things to show him. He gets upset when Wy gets upset and gets mad at me when Wyatt gets in trouble. All in all... I have one amazing 4 year old. We couldnt be any luckier than we are to be his mom and dad. June 14th, four years ago, that 4lb9oz tiny little man entered our world and things have never been the same.... everyday we thank our lucky stars for that brown eyed boy and couldnt love anything anymore than we love our Bubba. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKSON!!! WE LOVE YOU AND HOPE YOU HAD A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so grateful to have such a wonderful, loving little grandson. He always has the power to make me feel like the most important person ever when we're together. I'm even more grateful that in spite of his very eventful entry into this world that he is here, and is the most perfect, beautiful, loving child. But, mom and dad have to take alot of credit too - he wouldn't be what he is without two perfectly wonderful, loving parents who help make him what he is! I'm very proud of you both for raising such wonderful little boys. Thank you!!