Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Time For A Cut!

After playing outside monday for not even 5 minutes and Jacks face was already as red as a 'mater, I decided it was time to shave his head for the summer. Poor kid had a giant mop on his head and as cute as his little curls are I had to do it before he passed out from heat stroke.

It seriosuly has never taken me as long as it it did this time to shave it... he had so much hair!!
Hahaha how gross is hair?!?! yuck... anyways, after seeing Jacks perfect new do I fixed Wyatts up a little too. And he was actually super good and LET me shave it. Here are my two handsome boys.... freshly shaven!


Anonymous said...

I forgot he has the famous Erwin cowlick under all that hair!!! Now he reminds me of Hunter!!!

ashley said...

i can't belive what a difference a cut makes, looks like a whole new kid!