Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Fathers Day!

One holiday after anothere here... after saturdays events, Wyatt and I woke up early and went to the store to get Luke breakfast stuff, all the necessities for blueberry pancakes, and cards cuz I always lag. And of course Wyatt had to get a monsterous balloon for him. When we got home they were stil sleeping so I wrapped Lukes present real quick and put al his stuff on the table and started breakfast. He came down minutes later and I finally had to wake jackson up when breakfast was ready. After we ate Luke went on a ride down oretga with his brother. The kids and I got ready and went to smart and final to get everything for the boys party on sunday. By the time we go home Luke was on his way home then we went to my parents house where we celebrated the rest of fathers day. And me and the girls played a million games of Joker. Only to get beat by the champions of the world (*cough* sike!!) my dad and Luke. Parker is walking now (yayyyyyyyyyy) so he was keeping up with his cousins pretty well. And Wyatt finally stood up to his bully girl cousin Sophia. She kept stealing hsi golf balls so when he saw her coming he would yell "NOOOOO! NO NO!" and grab his ball before she could get it. Funny kids...
This is Wyatts feet after running around barefoot for a few hours (why this picture keeps turning is beyond me!)

Jack Sophia and Parker Dad and the big boys (and Wyatt)Papa and all his grandkids.... they are so stinkin cute.



Anonymous said...

I hope all the dads had a great day- you guys deserve it, you are ALL amazing dads and we love you all lots!! I know I had a lot of fun and Parker definitely had fun hanging out with his cousins! He was pooped!!
Love, Jenny

Unknown said...

Looks like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Love the feet...