Tuesday, June 3, 2008

No Mas....

... meaning no more of Wyatts Weekly Word Bank posts... the kid is saying way too much and literally repeating EVERYTHING now. I thought he was before.... boy was I wrong. Honestly there is at least 15 new words a day at this point cuz he repeats everything. So every now and again when he says something thats too cute to skipp Ill post about it. Like the other day when he was being a major terd and I kept saying to him "stop Wy you arent funny!" and he starts cracking up and answers back with "Im funnnnnny!!!" So now he says it all the time when I tell him hes not funny. Its SOOOO NOT funny. He calls me Amy sometimes which I actually think is hilarious. He walks in the house now and yells... "HEWWOOOOO!" (Thats hello in Wyatt language). If I tell him to STOP he turns and says "You Stop!" GRRRRRR.... Everything Jack says to me he repeats which of course drives me crazy because my attitude filled 3 year old isnt the nicest kid lately. Not to mention he is at the stage where he quotes movies or makes up sayings with his friends that never make sense. Seriously the things Jacksons saying sometimes is crazy. I dunno where he comes up with it. However Luke always says "Hmmm I wonder where he got that" (meaning must be from me!!) He says to me all the time now "Mom lets go to target, is that a good idea? Ok great, put your shoes on!" Haha guess he is his mothers child huh.........

1 comment:

The Trotter Family said...

He is a talker. We loved seeing him today. Micah had a blast!