Monday, June 2, 2008


HAPPY 28th BIRTHDAY DADDY!!!! Even though youre so far away today we are thinking about you every second and wishing you were home so we could celebrate with you! You are the bestest daddy in the world (this is coming out of Jacksons mouth as we speak!) and I love when you fix my transformers when they broked. And make me shrimp and mushrooms for dinner. And play baseball and hockey and wrestling with me. And we go fishing with hot dogs. And we go to Disneyland. And we go to the park (We apparentely went alot more places but I am not typing all of it lol). ANYWAYS..... we miss you and love you and hope you are having a great birthday in Michigan!! Cant wait for you to get home so we can have a crab feast and cake and celebrate your day. WE LOVE YOU !!!!



ashley said...

i always think that you are talking about my luke when i see your titles, and was so confused when i saw this one!

happy b-day to the other luke!

Caley said...

one of my favorite pictures of all time... Of the boys I mean. lol, not luke!