With Jack starting preschool next week (yesssssssssss!) I thought he needed some responsibilty (as much as you can give a 3 yr old) and a little more routine. We were at the Widners yesterday playing and Ambra had made the boys the cutest chore charts with dry erase posterboard and foam board. I loved them and she said the boys were diggin it. So she gave me a few of the materials then Luke and I went to Michaels last night on the way to see Superbad (hilarious by the way! Thanks again Kel for watching the boys!). We picked up some stickers and pens and what not. So when we got home from the movie I got to work. It turned out so cute and Jack was really excited. Hopefully he starts getting the hang of it and unde
rstanding how it works. As of now he has gotten one sticker today for brushing his teeth. If he gets all six stickers in one day he gets a piece of candy after dinner (which wont happen tonight becuase he cant figure out how to leave his brother alone today!). If he gets five stickers in a day he can have dessert after dinner. And if he gets at least 40 stickers in one week he gets a treat, this weeks is a motorcycle from target (his choice for that, go figure)! Kind of a fun new thing for him. Ill keep ya posted though!
Wyatt is cracking me up today. He was sitting by Jenna and trying to give her kisses, she wasnt really havin it. So he got embarrassed! Then he started making faces at her. I was dying! Its funny that he just feeds off people laughing at him. He knows he is funny and just runs with it. I need to figure out how to get videos on here cuz you would die laughing at him!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Hooray for Chores!!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Wild Rivers Trip
Well Wild Rivers keeps saying its going to close its gates and become a condo complex... i swear they will be there forever! And im really happy about this! So funnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My brother and Jenny were taking Parker there today so we joined them (I dont know what I was thinking when I didnt get a season pass this year!). We went later in the afternoon too so Luke met us there after he was off work. The kids LOVED it.Wyatt had a great time splashing everyone, climbing out of the pool over and over, swingin in the swings, and trying to get up the slide before Mommy caught him. So different from when I took Jackson there at that age. Jack spent most of his summer there when he was a year old... so scared of everything. Not Wyatt!!!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
A Good Weekend....
Well its Sunday... and the weekend is over BOOOO!!!! But it was a nice one. Friday night we did nothing so it was really nice. However, Jackson did entertain us to some extent... he wanted something and Luke told him no so he started fake crying and Luke said "Do you wanna go to your room?" and still whining Jackson says "NO...." and Luke answered "Ok then stop acting like that..." and with his fake cry and his hands in the air he says "I just wanna cry for a minute dad!" We were rolling.... So of course he started laughing, but knew he was funny so kept trying to fake cry.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Diet Killed
Thats right... Luke broke the diet tonite! haha He decided he wanted Claim Jumper. I ordered a bowl of soup and salad bar. He ordered a bowl of french onion soup and onion rings hahahaha I knew it wouldnt last long! However, he said he just needed a day of real food haha. I love it! Lets pray that I can eat normal next week!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
What a Day!!
And I dont mean that in a good way!!
No pictures today folks.. I havent had time! I have three little monsters here today! The day started off okay. Then everything was a battle. Jack peed his pants. Wyatt was crying over everything. Jenna is here today and pushes Jackson's buttons like you wouldnt believe! Anything she could do to make him mad, she did it. Turning off the TV, taking his juice, taking his Mimi, playing with his favorite motorcycles right in front of him, knocking down Wyatt (which Jackson HATES!!!) so Jackson was a constant pain this morning. FINALLY after not being able to handle Wyatts crying anymore I put him down for a nap and put Jack in his room to watch a movie and Jenna played quietly by herself. I sat down for about fifteen minutes to compose myself again before I started to have a nervous breakdown! So the next hour wasnt so bad, nice actually. Jenna fell asleep on the floor. Then Jackson was ready for lunch and right before I started to make his sandwich Wyatt woke up and was crying so I went to get him. WELLLLLLLLLL (this is my day) he had decided to not only take his diaper off (before he fell asleep Im assuming) and pee all over his bed, himself, his blanket and his stuffed animals but he also managed to break the railing on his crib! Again, Jack never did anything CLOSE to this. AHHHHHHH! So im cleaning up this mess and Jackson is yelling at me to feed him, then Jenna wakes up and is crying cuz shes sees Jack at the table ready to eat so she wants to eat. Well in the meantime Im battling with Wyatt cuz he wont give up his pee drenched blanket so I can wash it. So im pulling apart his bed and stuffing it in the wash (which was filled with the rest of the laundry Ive been doing that seems to never end) and I have three crying screaming kids wanting to eat lunch. Finally I got lunch made.... Jack had a PB&J. Well in case you didnt know Wyatt is HIGHLY allergic to peanut butter (found that out one day while we were at the pool eating sandwiches and he broke out and had to be rushed to the DR). I brought a load of laundry in to my room to fold it and left the kids for probably a minute and a half. Well jack had decided to share his sandwich with the babies. Wyatt had peanut butter on his hands and I started freaking out, didnt know if he had ingested it or was just squishing it in his fingers. Luckily there was none on his face so I assumed he was just playing with it. The next 30 minutes I watched him like a hawk with my EPI PEN ready. Never broke out, THANK GOD! So i finally just put all three down for a nap. And I am going to sit my butt on my couch and watch Days of Our Lives without one single person bothering me. I just need one hour to myself right now before I go nuts... WELCOME TO MY DAY! Is it over yet????????????????????
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Balls to the Wall
So I have this kid, Wyatt is his name.... and he scares the you know what outta me. Lately he has been attempting EVERYTHING that is not normal (or should i just say safe!)... His new favorite thing is standing on everything! He climbs on to his brothers train table and stands up then goes right to the edge like hes going to jump off. My hands start sweating and of course i yell at him (it starts with asking nicely but Im starting to believe that this kid likes to watch me squirm!) so i yell "Wyatt sit on your butt!" Well he squats down like he is about to sit then SHOOTS back up again with a grin the size of the Nile. Then i say again "Wyatt on your butt!" He squats for a second then shoots back up again, this time cracking up. This can go on forever! Til i finally give up and either get him down myself (which afterwards he climbs right back up) or I walk outta the room so I dont have to watch him fall when he finally does (lesson learned is what I keep telling myself!) He did the same thing to his dad last night in the bathtub (I thought Luke was going to go crazy haha). Well now he has started to climb into this dumptruck and stand in the back of it and DANCE!!! Yes dance, the truck even moves
while he does it! I am just waiting for the day he falls on his head and Im flying to the ER to get it stitched up. AHHHH! He drives me nuts. Most of you are probably thinking "Amy, this is normal, he is one!" But you have to understand, Jackson was the worlds biggest wuss. Still is actually. I'm not use to this balls to the wall attitude! Its scary!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Angels vs Yankees Game #1
GO ANGELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are on our way to go root for the Angels. They will cream the Yankees.... Wyatt knows it! Thats why hes all decked out. GO ANGELS!!!!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Cousinly Love
Friday, August 17, 2007
Just another day...
... in the hot hot house! We finally went outside to play for a little bit... so hot! HOwever its only 89 today, a little cooler than it has been. Jack jumped on the trampoli
ne for like 30 seconds and got off. The black bottom of that thing makes it 120 degrees. Wyatt is becoming a pro at shooting hoops (I think its time to put the net up higher!). Now he is trying to master hitting the ball off the tee. If he didnt spend all that time trying to get the ball to stay on the tee, he may be a little better at it by now, o well, his time will come! It is a little harder than it looks for a one year old! Of course Jack has also had his pro moments! The kid HAULS BUTT on his razor. He is so fast now i get scared. We got him a helmet finally so i dont crap my pants everytime I see him riding it. Only half the time :) We came in after about 30 minutes cuz i was being a baby and couldnt stand it anymore and they were dripping sweat.
Then they threw fits cuz i made them come in. So we took a cool bath instead to shut them up!! And what do you know... I let W
yatt outta his bath seat for the first time and sure enough he just caused trouble! Picking up every toy and throwing it outta the tub, trying to swim like the Little mermaid, pushing his brother over, standing up and squirting soap. Sometimes I dont know what to do with him, im in big trouble for sure.... the kid is balls out all the time! Im hoping to get him to the river one time at the end of the summer but honestly I think i'm too scared to take him.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
My little fish!
So Jackson had his last "official" swim lesson today! Aunt Lari has been teaching him to swim this summer and he went from a crying, blubbering mess to a little fish.... He HATED going to swim lessons in the beginning, he would cry and make excuses for not going in the water (One time he actually told me he had to go potty first, keep in mind we had just gone to the bathroom, he sat on the toilet for like three minutes and NOTHING! I made him get down finally and go swim... EXCUSES!!!) Lari was afraid he was going to hate her guts after all of it! But now he LOVES it. He blows bubbles, scoop and reaches (for ice cream they say), kicks, floats and will even go under without crying now! Lari is done with lessons for the summer but wants to keep going with Jack cuz he is doing so well! Thank goodness for Lari! He got special toys when he was done today too that he still hasn't put down! Last nite I took Jack with me to the Chicks tent sale to see if i could find him some school clothes and shoes... (not much for toddlers, i found him 3 Volcom shirts for a good deal but thats about it...) well we were inside and i was at the cash register paying, talking to a girl i knew way back when, who was working there and Jackson is standing next to a ping pong table and says to me "Hey mom look at the cool BEER PONG table. " Her and both the people next to me were cracking up. My 3 yr old calls it a beer pong table! I guess ours is only used for one thing hahah so embarrassing!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
So the temperature here in OC today is only 94 degrees! WHAT???!! Ewww... it is sooo hot! And our stupid air conditioner is STILL broken, yes STILL! I ha
ve been telling Luke to call someone for weeks now to come fix it, apparentely Im better off calling myself! For some reason it only works for about an hour then starts spitting out hot air, NOT fun! And it is so hot outside I have no desire whatsoever to be outside... so the boys and I are trying our best to stay cool. We went from wife beaters to no shirts to diapers/underwear (the boys of course, not me!) They both had popsicles to cool down too, that worked for about five minutes... I have two fans blowing in the family room and i have turned the ac on every hour for about a half hour, is it working? Not so much.... What do you do? Jackson told me it was hot like the river! Haha he is so right! I wish I were there, at least there would be a body of water to soak in... Ughhhhh I usually LOVE summer but right now I just want the heat to go away, or
at least my ac to work!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Totally new at this!
Ok so i had to do it... after seeing some of my old friends on here and how nice it was for them to fill everyone in on their day to day life made me do it! With Lukes family so far away and not able to see the kids all the time or even get the scoop on a weekly basis with our crazy schedules, I thought this was perfect! So bare with me while I try to figure this thing out! Posts and pics to come shortly tho!