Monday, August 27, 2007

Wild Rivers Trip

Well Wild Rivers keeps saying its going to close its gates and become a condo complex... i swear they will be there forever! And im really happy about this! So funnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My brother and Jenny were taking Parker there today so we joined them (I dont know what I was thinking when I didnt get a season pass this year!). We went later in the afternoon too so Luke met us there after he was off work. The kids LOVED it.

Wyatt had a great time splashing everyone, climbing out of the pool over and over, swingin in the swings, and trying to get up the slide before Mommy caught him. So different from when I took Jackson there at that age. Jack spent most of his summer there when he was a year old... so scared of everything. Not Wyatt!!!

Jack of course was off doing big boy stuff... Him and his dad had a great time on the slides. I dont know whats funnier- Lukes legs in the air like this, or the giant tidal wave he created for his son, or the fact that he is enjoying it WAY more than Jackson! Heres the play by play (HILARIOUS by the way!).....
At one point jack was so cold he couldnt move so Luke wrapped him like a burrito in three towels, we couldnt even see him or his blue little chattering lips....
Wyatt still tried to sneak a peek...
..... Then his dad tried to feed him to the elephants.....
After Luke and Ryan hit up some Bombay Blasters (wish I had a camera for that because apparentely the ladies in the bleachers said they were the biggest splash they had seen all day!) we said Goodbye to Parker and packed up our stuff and headed out....
I forgot how much I love Wild Rivers! Season Pass again next year for sure!!!!


ashley said...

so are they going to be open next summer? that place is so funny with their "closings". if they are, we have to go there together when i come out to visit.

Anonymous said...

So glad you guys came with us to Wild Rivers! Parker really had a great time too, although I think the dad's may have had more fun than anyone... =)