Thursday, August 23, 2007

What a Day!!

And I dont mean that in a good way!!

No pictures today folks.. I havent had time! I have three little monsters here today! The day started off okay. Then everything was a battle. Jack peed his pants. Wyatt was crying over everything. Jenna is here today and pushes Jackson's buttons like you wouldnt believe! Anything she could do to make him mad, she did it. Turning off the TV, taking his juice, taking his Mimi, playing with his favorite motorcycles right in front of him, knocking down Wyatt (which Jackson HATES!!!) so Jackson was a constant pain this morning. FINALLY after not being able to handle Wyatts crying anymore I put him down for a nap and put Jack in his room to watch a movie and Jenna played quietly by herself. I sat down for about fifteen minutes to compose myself again before I started to have a nervous breakdown! So the next hour wasnt so bad, nice actually. Jenna fell asleep on the floor. Then Jackson was ready for lunch and right before I started to make his sandwich Wyatt woke up and was crying so I went to get him. WELLLLLLLLLL (this is my day) he had decided to not only take his diaper off (before he fell asleep Im assuming) and pee all over his bed, himself, his blanket and his stuffed animals but he also managed to break the railing on his crib! Again, Jack never did anything CLOSE to this. AHHHHHHH! So im cleaning up this mess and Jackson is yelling at me to feed him, then Jenna wakes up and is crying cuz shes sees Jack at the table ready to eat so she wants to eat. Well in the meantime Im battling with Wyatt cuz he wont give up his pee drenched blanket so I can wash it. So im pulling apart his bed and stuffing it in the wash (which was filled with the rest of the laundry Ive been doing that seems to never end) and I have three crying screaming kids wanting to eat lunch. Finally I got lunch made.... Jack had a PB&J. Well in case you didnt know Wyatt is HIGHLY allergic to peanut butter (found that out one day while we were at the pool eating sandwiches and he broke out and had to be rushed to the DR). I brought a load of laundry in to my room to fold it and left the kids for probably a minute and a half. Well jack had decided to share his sandwich with the babies. Wyatt had peanut butter on his hands and I started freaking out, didnt know if he had ingested it or was just squishing it in his fingers. Luckily there was none on his face so I assumed he was just playing with it. The next 30 minutes I watched him like a hawk with my EPI PEN ready. Never broke out, THANK GOD! So i finally just put all three down for a nap. And I am going to sit my butt on my couch and watch Days of Our Lives without one single person bothering me. I just need one hour to myself right now before I go nuts... WELCOME TO MY DAY! Is it over yet????????????????????


lauren said...

WOOOOW! sorry.

ashley said...

ah, what a day, and it isn't over yet!
bummer that wyatt is allergic to pb, so am i. it's annoying, and his must really be bad if you had an epi-pen ready!
hope tommorrow is better!

lauren said...

her name is wendy, she's super cool her # is on her site...