Monday, September 13, 2010

Flying Solo- El Pollo Loco

So Luke left early friday morning for Minnesota, which had me flying solo for the week. With the new promotion comes lots of traveling! Which I am good with, usually. Not gonna lie, I was a bit nervous for what the week had in store. Trust me, i can multi task like crazy and drive a hundred miles a day getting kids to and from wherever they need to be. BUUUTTTT, after a long first week of school/fball/soccer/and going non stop cleaning, organizing and getting ready for the new routines-all while Luke was out of town the week before, I could feel myself getting sick. SPEC-FREAKIN-TACULAR! Have I ever told you how much I DESPISE fridays now, especially fridays when Luke is out of town (two in a row now).... We have school of course, and straight from school is soccer, and straight from soccer is football, and straight from football is take out dinner and showers and in bed by 9pm at the earliest to wake up early for whatever god for saken city we need to be in the next morning- all with 3 children in tow. Most people love fridays. I HATE fridays! (Sorry, this is kinda a venting post for me huh lol)!

So now that I have vented about friday (leaving the part out where I wanted to leave my kids locked in a closet for at least a day to regain my sanity)... lets move on..... SATURDAY- Jack woke up about 430am and had peed the bed. Fantastic. He was then in my bed with me, which means from 430-630 when my alarm went off I was being kicked, pushed and breathed on. I got up, showered, got Jack dressed, tried to wake up Wyatt which ended in screaming (he is NOT a morning person), made waffles and theeennnnnnn, my little four year old finally gets up and says "Mom I peed my bed on accident!" WHAT?!?!?! BOTH OF THEM!!!!! PS I just changed their bedding, and both of them maybe pee their beds once every few months when they are SUPER tired or had waaayyy too much to drink before bed. Of course this would happen. Anyways, Im out the door by 710am, drop Jackson off with a teammate to head to Inglewood with the team for their first game. And I head to Wyatts first soccer game with his team- wanna know their name- BEST NAME EVERRRRR- DRUMROLLLLLL PLLEEEEEAASSEEEEE! Yes folks, that says the Jedi Ninja Pirates! Whats a jedi ninja pirate you might ask. No idea- Wyatt is still trying to figure it out. He wanted to be the sharks. Hes so simple aint he?!! His teammates on the other hand- apparentely they are freakin rocket scientists and came up with the Jedi Ninja Pirates. Lord this is gonna be a long year. I know this is terrible but I cant stand soccer, so watching 4 year olds play is pretty much like pulling teeth! Wyatt was hilarious out there, he had a smile on his face the whole time, and had more fun running all over the place than anything else! So thats all that matters :) Wish Luke coulda been there for his first game... he woulda been proud!

As soon as Wyatt was done it was 9am and we had an hour to drive to Inglewood to get to Jacksons first game. This was a HUGE game. We beat Inglewood in the superbowl last year, their parents and coaches got into physical fights when they game was over, so they were out for blood this year!!! What was supposed to be a HUGE, intense, physical game turned into a boring, lame joke. These kids didnt even know where to stand, their coaches were literally picking them up and moving them into position on EVERY play! The clock just ran and ran and ran and ran and they took their sweet time, positioning, tying shoes, tending to hurt kids! Holy crap, I would have rather been watching soccer! We had 10 offensive plays the ENTIRE game, thats how long they took! So needless to say Jack didnt get too many QB plays- but the few he got THEY SCORED! He spent most the game at corner since the other 85 plays we were on defense. LAME. The final score was 24-6. And the only reason they got the touchdown was because the refs felt bad for them and didnt want us to run up the score (he straight up told our coaches that!). It was awful. But our kids played great-as usual- and Im looking forward to our next game against a team that hopefully knows what theyre doing. So after the game, we of course went to pizza with the team. Then after a few hours there Jack asked if he could have a friend spend the night, which somehow turned into two friends (he asked for 3 and I laughed in his face!). Dont ask me what I was thinking. I was exhausted, didnt feel great and just wanted to lay on my couch. But I said yes. Grrr. And Radyn and Isaiah came home with us. I took them swimming so they wouldnt ransack my house, then got everyone dressed and went to Mission to watch our other flag team play at 7pm with a few of the people from our team. A 2 hour break from kids in my eyes! Ahhhhhh! Soccer pics in the am for Wy, then I got rid of extra children, laid on my couch and did nothing til i had to make dinner. Took some PM cold medicine, went to bed, and hoped I would feel better in the morning. Wishful thinking I guess. Luke come homeeeeeeeee!!!! :(


Carrie Braunalicious said...

You are super mom! Totally feel you on the soccer-hating when they're that little. It's fun for the first two minutes :) We should invent something that warns you just before your kid looks over to see if you're watching so you could read a magazine the rest of the time!

The Trotter Family said...

Yikes, you needed to vent! You made it through though, cold and all. Go Amy!

Brandi said...

Totally reminds me of Kylee's first soccer team....They were the Tiger Lily Princesses!!! Best name EVER!!!