Friday, May 23, 2008

On The Brighter Side...

So its friday and everyone is feeling better. We are finally flu free (or so I am hoping). Boys are back to normal. After Luke slept ALLLL day on wednesday he went back to work thursday and felt fine. Im still battling this sore throat ive had since before we left but I cant even complain about that after the gross stomach flu that struck the rest of them!

Last night we had Jacksons open house at school. He showed us all his work and showed daddy the sensory table. It was funny to read all the things that goes through this kids mind. He is definetely his fathers child though. In one book that the teacher put together she had asked them what they wanted for xmas. Then they draw a picture of it and she writes on the bottom what it is. She then puts everyones in a book for us all to look at. Well Jackson wrote "All i want for xmas is a motorcycle!" Imagine that. Then they each cut out a car and wrote where they would be going in their car. Jacks said "Im gettting in my car and going to the river!" SOOOOOO his fathers child. Anyways, it was so weird to go to OPEN HOUSE. He is so old its freaky. Do you realize I am going to have a 4 YEAR OLD in less than a month. HOLY CRAP!!!! Its just weird. I feel old.

After open house we grabbed some dinner and went to Kohls to find Luke something to wear for this wedding we have to go to tonight. He is such a girl. We spent an hour and fifteen minutes in Kohls. He found brown pants and shoes and a green shirt and came out in it and I almost threw up. I took one look at him and said "absolutely not". He always gets so mad when I dont like something and when I tell him that, I become the ass. Apparentely he wants me to lie to him. I honestly dont know why he asks for my opinion anyway. So he said ok how bout blue. I agreed but told him he needed lighter pants. Then after thinking for a brief moment I chased him down and said "NO I have a better idea. Black pants, a pink shirt and black shoes!" Soooo easy i figured we couldnt go wrong. We dont have to match things together or anything like that. Lucky for me he was all for it. At that point I just wanted to get the heck outta there.

So yes we have a wedding tonight for one of the girls that works with Luke. Its at the Tustin Ranch Golf Club. We went to a wedding there before and it was awesome however its raining today. Poor girl. Nothings worst than rain on your wedding day. Im gonna freeze in my dress too. Grrrrr......... the boys are spending the night at my parents AKA "nana and POPPY!" LOL Wyatt has always called my dad Papa and all the sudden one day a few weeks ago started calling him Poppy. Its hilarious. My dad loves it. Anyways, thats all for now... hope youre all staying healthy and dry!!!!

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