Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sleeping Boys.....

So after a day with no naps and Lukes detox diet in full effect ( you dont wanna hear details, trust me!) I had some very very tired boys! I was up on the computer ordering ANOTHER baby shower gift to ship to my cousin in San Jose (this was number 5 baby shower in 2 months by the way!) and jackson came upstairs whining and crawled up into my lap as I was typing. Well before I knew it he was passed out snoring with his head buried in my chest. I chuckled and got up with him in my arms... then i hear a little voice say "i wanna watch a movie'' HA! I replied with "Just go back to sleep" So I go in his room and put him in bed and make my way downstairs to get Wyatt to put him to bed. And much to my surprise, him and Luke were both passed out SNORING on the couch. I didnt even hesitate, I immediately ran upstairs to get my camera to take pictures of all my sleeping boys. It was too funny. Usually bedtime is about 830 or so but if you let them these kids will stay up FOREVER!!! So when it was 9pm and all 3 of these guys were passed out SNORING I coudlnt help but laugh.... thats what a day full of fighting naps and battling the cleansing diet will do to ya I guess!


ashley said...

detox diet, please give details!!!

and hello, come to my etsy shop and buy a cool onesie for your baby showers!

Brooke and Aaron said...

Did you go to bed too or stay up late and enjoy the alone time? I'm with you on all the baby showers. There have been so many! I can't keep up with gifts for everyone. I should just stash gifts away in the closet so when I need something I can grab it from there instead of running to the store at the last minute.

Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...

i wish i could sleep like that :) i dont think i have slept through the night since october :) and probably wont sleep through the night for a few years ;)

we will miss you at the shower tomorrow, but look forward to a visit after the baby gets here!

hope you get another quite moment in the near future!