Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy Holidays!!

November for me was INSANE!!! I expected to be somewhat busy over the holidays as far as my photography was concerned but I would have never imagined such an awesome month! I had quite a few in october (early birds I call them!) but nothing compared to november. I spent day in and day out on my computer for bascially six weeks, from the time I woke up til usually 1-2am. If i wasnt on the computer it was because i was out taking pictures. My poor family, my poor house, my poor wardrobe lol. I didnt have time to do laundry, do the dishes, grocery shop, cook, vaccuum, clean a toilet (not complaining about this one), and most the time even shower. Luke must have walked in every day and about shit his pants wondering what went on all day here!! LOL But let me just tell you, he was my superhero!!! Especially towards the end when he realized what a toll it was taking around here haha. He cleaned, vaccuumed, did the laudry, fed the kids, bathed the kids, tucked the kids in, anything that needed to be done he did it. No complaining, i didnt even have to ask for it to be done. One night he had went out and i stayed home, got pictures done, and actually went to bed early (1130pm is early right?!?). Well he got home about midnight apparentely and stayed up cleaning and doing dishes til 230am and i woke up to a clean house to start the day with four kids. He was my superhero and I still cant thank him enough for being so supportive, so helpful and so awesome the last few months! I dont know how we would have survived without him!!! Anyways, thank you to all of you who let me take pics of those sweet smiling faces, or sent a friend my way, or even just supported me in this whole exciting, crazy, fun journey. I have amazing friends and family and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart!! XOXO

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy, Thank you so very,very much for taking the time to blog. You are amazing- I love your pictures and the stories you share. I wish we were there with you- your blog is the next best thing. I hope you have a wonderful New Year and that all of your dreams for 2010 come true. I love you and miss you. XO Sue