Monday, December 7, 2009

More Sickos!!!!

We have had quite the few months of being sick. Its like the germ fairy came and sprinkled her dust on everyone that walked through my front door. Its awful. Right after thanksgiving (keep in mind Jackson had a week off for thanksgiving from school) Jack got a fever. Monday morning, the morning mom was supposed to be rejoicing that school was back in full swing, he woke up with a fever. Felt fine, which made it even worse in my opinion, I mean if youre gonna be sick, BE SICK! Lay there and dont move and watch a million movies, dont run around, be loud, cause problems and make people cry! AHHHHH!!! Tuesday-same. Wednesday- no fever but woke up with a barking seal cough. Thursday- still a cough and at this point I was DONE! I just wanted him back at school. I called the dr. Took him in, he was borderling bronchitis and croup so she gave me a ZPACk for him and out the door we went. Friday- might as well keep him home at that point. Grrrr. Sunday- got home around 5pm (Luke was at his Natl Sales Meeting for work), got outta the car and Wy threw a fit about something. As he freaked out about whatever god for saken reason he was freaking out for, he started to take huge gasps of air and finally says to me "I CANT BREATHE!!" Ya my heart about dropped. Ive dealt with croup before, I know how to handle it and what to do so I calmed him down (even though I was still a bit panicked) and he was able to breathe a little better. Then I threw in the car and took him to the ER. They gave him steroids there, sent me home with a prescription, and Wy slept through the night just fine. Well of course if the boys get sick, so do the girls! By Monday both girls were sick too. Jack was back at school (WOOOHOOOO!!!) but I had three sickos at home. Fun huh?! Fun week full of snot, hacking and fevers. Then wednesday came around again (he had only been back at school for three days at this point). He came home from school that day and said "Mom my tummy hurts". I told him to go poo. (My solution for everything!). Well he did. MASSIVE POOP SLABBERS! Poop slabbers in Brady language= DIAHRREA!!! Whatever, no big deal right?! I figured it was from the antibiotics anyways. Thursday- kept him hom so he wouldnt poop his pants at school. Yes he still had poop slabbers. Friday- same. Well come monday he was still pooping. And now so was Keira. Took him back to the dr. They said it wasnt from antibiotics but now had a stomach bug. WHAT!?!?! This is a joke. The kid was still recovering from bronchitis and now this? Wellll, oh yes it gets better. Tuesday he was finally better but I was still worried so I kept him home. Put the girls down for naps and I was exhausted, and dizzy. I just wanted to take a nap. By the time the girls woke up I couldnt even stand up for more than a minute. I finally called Luke, he came home, Ive never had to do that. I went to bed. Oh but did I mention before Luke got home, Wyatt had poop slabbers. Ya fun, his went on for about 4 days also. After about an hour, I had poop slabbers. And barf. And couldnt move. Stuck in bed all day wednesday. Finally let Luke go back to work thursday, after helping me in the am. Wasnt completely normal til sunday. Ya fun weeks for us here. A continuous sick cycle here. Its insane. And once one of them are sick, they all are. And the parents sometimes. Its so insane, and im so tired of disinfecting this house I am going crazy! Ive been pumping everyone full of vitamins and pro biotics now. Hopefully it works. YUCK!

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