Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Santa and Sleigh Rides

My kids saw Santa TWICE this year. Yes the kids who DESPISED Santa every year, who would scream and cry and run the other way if we came within 50 yards of Santa or his little house at the mall. I know how great the crying kids with Santa pics are. But it wasnt worth it for me before. They would cause a scene from the moment they saw him or his house. Um ya EMBARRASSING! Could you imagine me standing in line with kids like that for 15 minutes or an hour. HA Id rather shove pencils in my eyeballs. Forget it! Keep in mind these kids fall off their chairs and lay frozen screaming when they see Chuck e Cheese come out. Well this year I asked them if they wanted to see Santa, they both replied excitedely YES!!! Still meant nothing to me. My friend Candice and I took the kids to the mall. The boys were still excited. Still meant nothing to me. We ate lunch. We walked towards Santas house. No tears. Still meant nothing. Santa was on his lunch break. BS. I was getting anxious. Santa came back. My kids saw him, got excited. Still meant nothing. We were next in line. They weren't crying, shaking, peeing their pants. Yet still meant nothing to me. They both walked right up to Santa sat on his lap and this happened.....

YES YOU SEE SMILES!!!!!! Can u freakin believe it!!! HOLY CRAP! I almost died. Couldnt beieve it! Then talked to him like they were old friends. I was ecstatic! Trip one, done! Well right before xmas we went to our annual Santa and Sleigh Rides at Kent and Kathy Fitch's house. Every year they have us all over, cookies hot chocolate, rent "reindeer" and sleighs for the kids(or a horse and carriage, whatever) and Santa comes to see them. Well my kids saw Santa AGAIN and sat on his lap and told him what they wanted.

Weird and AMAZING! Best thing ever. So this year I had TWO official Santa pictures. THANK YOU BOYS!!! We took Keira with us, who wanted nothing to do with Santa or the sleigh ride really. LOL But otherwise had a great time. The boys with Boston and Radyn waiting for Santa.... notice the 3 year old stuffing their faces... weird.

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