Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Next Wedding....

..... is coming up in May. We get a little wedding break for awhile... PHEW!! But we are in a little bit of plan mode anyways. Brian Morales (AKA BMoe, Pams brother, Lukes BFF since 2nd grade) and Lauren (AKA Auntie Lala and Bmoes gf for the last gazillion years) have asked a few of the Brady men to join them in the wedding. First we got a package in the mail for Luke, a cigar with a note rolled up inside with it.....

.... couldnt believe a guy pulled that off all by himself. So impressed Bmoe. So you can imagine how fast Luke jumped on the planning of the Bachelor party. Oh and got together with the rest of the wedding party to smoke their cigars. But you can bet they still dont have suits picked out yet for the actual day. Go figure. BOYS!!
Well the week after, I got a phone call from Lala who wanted to talk to Jackson. She had kinda already mentioned to him that he would be carrying rings but she wanted to officially ask him and talk to me about it. But this is how the conversation went when he picked up the phone.

L:" Hey buddy... what are u doin?"

J:" Hi... Just playing power rangers with my brother... I still wanna carry your rings!!!"

L: (laughing hysterically) "Ok you do? You have to get dressed up and walk down the aisle, and take pictures and ..."

J:" I know!!!! I want to!"

And that was the gist of it. Think hes excited much?!?! I am actually pretty excited to see him in this wedding... hes gonna do great, I know it.... thank god its not Wyatt. Stubborn little terd. But anyways, we are excited for them and feel honored that they have chosen these boys to be a part of their big day!!!

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