Saturday, March 27, 2010

Busy Saturday

Saturday morning Jack had an 815 game (ewwwww), we headed up to get some breakfast, went home and changed and we were off to Mission Tux to get the boys fitted for their suits for the wedding. I almost died when they put the jackets on them- a small sneak peak for you!!Then we headed to Founders Park for the easter carnival there. We met up with Lindsay and Jeff and Jake and Kristyn and the kids got painted, went on rides, had some shaved ice, and crawled through what looked like a giant colon. HAHA Barf..

We went home and cleaned up a bit then the boys had their friends arrive for a sleepover. Boston and Mason got there and I took them all straight to the pool to go crazy for awhile.
Best idea ever too cuz it kept them quiet later that night. They were all sooooo good! Jeff and Lindsay came over for dinner and cribbage, so poor Maddie was a little out numbered, but she didnt mind! She hung with the boys just fine!

1 comment:

The Trotter Family said...

Nice, Jack is coming out of an anus. That is a picture for the wall!