Friday, March 12, 2010

Lukes Sales Pitch

So I had called Luke at work and told him to see if any of his coworkers would want to sponsor Jack in his upcoming Jog-a-thon at school. This is the email he sends out at work today.....

I don't usually send these but it's for a good kid!

Jackson's school is doing a jog-a-thon and I need to raise some funds for his education. I know what you're saying; "How does this help me in this time of economic struggle?"

Well, the more money that goes to Jackson's education the less likely he is to rob you in the later stages in your life. So to protect your future and your finances later on down the road I think a dollar or two today is a wise investment. Please look at the photo below and add 20 years and tattoo's. Envision that but with the words "give me your money" as well.

All kidding aside if anybody has an extra dollar or two to donate to Jackson's jog-a-thon it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!!

Yes this was Lukes sales pitch to his office staff today. LOL He got back some great responses, one saying "No wonder you are such a great sales guy, you use emails like this to get your dealers to buy!" HAHA But hey, it worked didnt it, he raised $160 for Jacks jog-a-thon. And if any of you are reading this... THANK YOU! It was more than we would have ever thought he would/could raise and greatly appreciated!! And Luke, NICE WORK! HA!


Unknown said...

He used a little different approach on Grandpa but it worked for $50. Good work Luke!

Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...

:) hahahaha I LOVE IT! that is the best sales pitch ever, I should tell my little sister to try it out with the girl scout cookies next year :)

The Trotter Family said...

Genius! I think I will copy and paste that in about a year for Micah's jog-a-thon. What a funny guy!