Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I Was NOT Thinking!

Obviously my head just wasnt in the right spot. I finally realized that I can copy my pictures to a disc and use a working internet to download them... DUH! So my computer still isnt up and running, we are having internet problems, so its taken me awhile. So here are the latest pictures for ya.... Ill start with Justins wedding a few weekends ago. Just a few, I wasnt there long enough to take very many but it was gorgeous!Their little boy Gavin, I love him. Me and Justins sister Jessica.... Ok, next is the Halloween party. I dont want to bore you with all the pictures so here is just an idea.... This is Luke, Jeff and Dustin in their Beaver Fever costumes. AHAHAHA And for some reason this picture of me, Gabe and Andy just cracks me up.And now I guess would be the Pumpkin Patch with Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Ethan and Aunt Lari. The kids had alot of fun. Here is Jack with his aunt and uncle.

Grandma and Grandpa had a lot of fun too! Luke and Ethan played little brother-big brother for awhile, Ethan failed miserably to his not-so-little brother! And Aunt Lari helped Wy play with every pumpkin there! He loves Aunt Lari... Then it was home we went, lollipops in hand... They were up FOREVER that night!
So now the moment you have all been waiting for- HALLOWEEN! This year was alot of fun. We carved pumpkins, well we carved one. Luke brought home two pumpkins to carve and one was rotten inside so there was no way I was even about to put my hand in that thing. Instead I colored his face with a Sharpee. But Jack and I carved one, while Wyatt fell asleep at the kitchen table eating lunch. He slept right up until the time we finished the thing. It was hilarious. Poor kid must have been exhausted. But Jack loved putting his hand in there and finding seeds but he wasn't too fond of the "gunk" (my dainty little boy).
So when night time rolled along the kids were PUMPED to go trick or treating. However we had to put it on hold for a few. I realized that we had used Jacksons trick or treat bucket for a fish tank when we moved. We only had one bucket! Luke ran all over the place at 6pm looking for a bucket. AFter three places he went to a party store and the only one they had left was a Dora Backpack one, PURPLE! Poor Jack! So Finally off we went.... with.............. (drum roll please....)
ONE LITTLE CHICKEN!!! And the best damn lookin JACK(son) SPARROW you ever saw!! (Johnny Depp has nothin on this kid!) O my gosh they were so cute, maybe Im biased but they were CUTE! Jack only wanted to be Jack Sparrow this year so he was so excited to dress up and lemme draw him a goatee. We figured we would only do our street, a good 16 houses or so, but noooo Jack kept going so we did the whole next street! He loved it. It was so much fun this year becuase he actually knew what was going on. He would run to the door, say trick or treat, a big thank you and off to the next! Wyatt did really good too, held his bucket, walked to the door, got a piece of candy then followed his brother. However after the third house or so he got a sucker so he dropped his bucket, opened the sucker and walked slowly down the street. That was all the candy he wanted. It was funny. Wyatts new thing is when he sees a dog he hangs his tongue out of his mouth and pants like one... so we saw a little dog dressed as a lobster and Wy followed it panting for about 5 minutes. He is so weird. We got home and Jack was absolutely wired! Wouldnt stop talking all night. One and only thing I dont like about Halloween. But all and all we had a great time! So fun to see them so excited and into it this year. This past Friday Caleys niece's came over and we took the kids to Chuck E Cheese and did movie night. They got along so well. Kyleigh is 6 and Jack adored her. I think she loved him just as much though, they had so much fun. He calls her his new Kyleigh haha. Maddy is 2, almost three, soo cute and cuddly. She kept just crawling into my lap. I loved it. And little Kate is about a month older than Wy. So cute, talks up a storm! And i thought Wyatt was a wiz at talking. They were all so cute together and had a great time! Soooooooooo anyways, thanks for being so patient... I actually have a few more randoms I will post on another post cuz its taking way too long on this one now. Dunno why I didnt think of this brilliant idea sooner. Soooo not thinking there!

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