Friday, November 9, 2007

Just Me and My Boys!

So I thought it had been awhile since I updated you all on Jacksons preschool days.... quite the show lemme tell ya. Let me start by saying I never imagined how much stuff a preschooler could take home. I have stacks and stacks of art work and hes only been in school less than two months. Its crazy. He now has a girlfriend who he is OBSESSED with. Its really the only kid in his class i can get him to talk about. She is cute, her name is Kaitlyn, she has "yellow hair like mommy". And he LOVES her! He even admits he has a girlfriend. Its so cute when he says, "Ya her names Kaitlyn!" Love it! They recently had their fall festival which Jackson has me convinced he won EVERY game there. They have picture day next week, cant wait to get him all cute. And on the 20th I willl be in his class helping with their Thanksgiving feast. He has to dress as a pilgrim or Indian. Haha. This week was teddy bear week and they all brought their fave teddy to school. Jack brought his dirtbike one and he won the award for Sportiest Bear! He was so proud! So all and all he is loving preschool and has made lots of new friends, and girlfriends!! Eeek, should i be worried??!! Other than that, he has been quite the troublemaker. He loves to irritate his brother. Loves giving attitude now. Rides his razor like a crazy man up and down the steet. Dances like no one is watching but when he realizes you are he gets pretty embarrased and tells you to stop laughing. Loves the movie Surfs Up right now and knows every song on the Wiggles. His new favorite thing is crawling into bed with mommy after daddy has left for work and wacthes TV. Its like his special time with me or something, its so cute. He is becoming quite my little man.

Next I had to tell you what a holy terror Wyatt has been. SOOO CLINGY! He will literally hang on my legs as I walk and yell from the third floor "MAMAMAMAMA!!" He gets crazy jealous when Jackson is sitting with me or im holding him or anything. He will literally push Jack away to get to me and sit smack on top of me so his brother cant get anywhere near me. Like Im only his mommy. He is such the mamas boy it isnt even funny. I do love it but at the same time I am going crazy. And in the new house he can open ALL the doors, including the front and garage doors. I lock EVERYTHING now. So irritating. BUt he is still so cute. His new thing is giving hugs. He just wraps those little arms as far around you as they go. And his kisses couldnt get any cuter. And he still says cheese every time you bring a camera out. Its so funny though becuase whenever he says cheese one eye gets smaller than the other and his mouth goes sideways (you probably notice in every picture that my child usually looks semi-retarded). He is such a cheeseball. He has mastered the Lil Quad he has, and even goes up the little round about at the end of our culdesac, and back down again. He pops wheelys everytime he goes up, freaks me out! He is so into anything that growls, mostly dinosaurs and sharks (he seems to think sharks and snakes growl) and will stop dead in his tracks as soon as he hears the Wiggles come on (i swore up and down Id never let my kids watch that show but for some reason its the only they will both watch and be completely mezmerized!) Loves to hit, punch and tackle and when they are in the stoller he will beat on his brothers head the whole time. I finally had to start putting him in the front cuz he is such a butt.... trying to get it under control but the kid insists on being a bully every chance he gets. Gotta love my little bulldog!

1 comment:

The Trotter Family said...

The Wiggles? You poor thing. I guess it could be could be the Doodlebops! That is pure torture!