Sunday, November 4, 2007

I've Been Tagged... TWICE!

So there is this thing going around, like TAG, and your friends Tag you to do this little questionnaire thing. I got tagged, TWICE! Thanks Ash and Rach! So it basically tells you to write 7 things about yourself, anything really, and then tag 7 people to do it as well. However the only people I know on this thing have already tagged me or been tagged so I will just write my seven things.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......................

1. I hate feet-absolutely positively hate feet. They are gross, and ugly, and smelly and I just dont like them. Baby feet is an exception. Love baby feet. But feet in general gross me out. Yes, Lukes especially. Dont like feet. Ughhhhh!

2. I love rainy days-I love to curl up with a blanket when its cold out and listen to rain. I dont like going out in it now, with two little ones, but love to watch it and listen to it, especially when its pouring out. High school was the best (Ash you will love this), there would be puddles all over mission and soccer or softball would be called off and we would run through the puddles like little kids. I loved that...

3. I never finish my points- what does this mean? You know when you want to list your points out loud to someone, like A,B,C or 1 2 3, well i always start with A and I never have a B. Luke laughs at me all the time cuz I will say "A. You didnt do what i asked you to do....." and I will stop. He then will ask "and B?'' Drives him crazy.

4. I will not clean a toilet- Dont ask me why. I have never been able to clean a toilet. Lucky for me its one thing Luke doesnt mind doing. But ever since I was younger and I started doing chores I couldnt do the toilets, I dont care if I was grounded for not doing it I would not touch it. I would trade my sister 3 of her chores for cleaning the toilet. Still to this day I cannot clean a toilet.

5. I love candles- I love the look of the flame, especially behind a cool looking holder. I love the smell, and I love when you dip your finger in wax and then peel it off. Weird I know, its like glue, i love that too, peeling dried glue off your hand. Haha thats weird. And i love the smell when you blow them out.

6. Im a huge believer in practice what you preach- I cant stand hypocrits or judgemental people. Dont go pointing fingers at people until you take a good look in the mirror. Enough said.

7. I would rather have 2 best friends than a million friends- Lucky for me I have been blessed with many best friends. Honestly I have some of the greatest friends in the world, that would literally do anything in the world for us and have. You have times in your life where your true friends really stand out amongst those you thought were just as great. But its always the same ones who are there over and over. Luke and I are honestly some of the luckiest people in the world in that department.

NOw your all probably wondering about our Halloween and are dying to see pictures... Im going to go make Luke get our internet hooked up to the right computer now so stay tuned....


lauren said...

i hate toilets too... and showers, and bathrooms in general. i make dave, or my mom do them... sad i know. i have a good idea. we hang out.

The Trotter Family said...

I love the practice what you preach thing. I hate when people say one thing and then do another! And yes, I am dying to see your Halloween pictures. I hope they are up soon!