Saturday, March 7, 2009

Weekend Continued...

Saturday wasn't too bad, I got to sleep in! YAYYY!!! Well kinda sleep in, even though I wasnt really sleeping after 7am I still layed in bed til 915am! Kylee came over and we went to lunch then it was off to Laguna Beach to take pictures ( I hired Kylee as my personal babysitter while I did that) and when we were done we rushed home, changed clothes, packed some stuff, waited for Gianna and headed to Kristyns for a girls/kids night since all the boys were gone. Me, Kristyn, Jenny, Gianna, Lindsay, Ambra and Andreal hung out there with the bijillion kids we all keep popping out! 15 kids between the 6 of us. Gross. LOL. We ordered pizza, had some wine (well me and Lindsay had some wine) and just relaxed. The kids were fully entertained by each other, while we all entertained the babies. They were all still awake around 1130pm when we finally decided to head home. A much needed girls night.
Kendall being cute!
Taylor and Wy being cheeseballs!

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