Tuesday, October 2, 2007

"It Was All Just Exhausting!"

Couldnt help but to post one of these pictures. Jack and I couldnt find Wyatt last night and finally Jackson looked in the dog house and saw Wyatt hiding in there. It was so cute. Then of course Jack got in so they played in the gross dog house for awhile! Ewww

Its Tuesday and Jackson went to school today. I put both kids to bed at 815 last night and I ended up waking both of them up this morning at 745 finally. They were so tired. When I dropped Jack off you would never guess what I picked up from his folder. FUNDRAISER CATALOG!!!!!! Yes it begins! I didnt know even pre schoolers did this stuff. I was shocked. He (meaning I becuase a three year old cant do this!) gets to sell all kinds of stuff out of this catalog. Candles, magazines, wrapping paper, chocolates, the whole deal. Should be great fun for MOM! They even get prizes. Aye yay yay! So for all those of you who wont see Jack in the next two weeks and wants to order from him go to
http://www.sigfund.com/ and put all your fun stuff in your shopping cart, when you go to checkout it will ask for the students info. Type in students name- Jackson Brady. School is Saddleback Childrens Center and City is Rancho Santa Margarita, CA. He will then get credit for even the online orders! He is thanking you all in advance ;0) wink wink!

He was so cute when I picked him up today. I always ask him over and over what he did and he always says "I dunno" well after a few I dunnos he finally said back to me "It was all just exhausting!" I died laughing!!! It was so funny.

1 comment:

ashley said...

fund raising already! bummer for mom. i seriously can't wait for velzy to talk and say funny stuff! maybe someday she will start talking!

thanks for the pics of erin's baby, she is cute!