Thursday, October 11, 2007

Never Ending Story....

No, not the movie.... Lukes sickness! Yes he is sick again. And its making me sick just thinking about it. He told me Tues night his whole body was achey like he was getting the flu. I told him he was just trying to get outta helping me clean the garage and it wasnt going to work. So he helped me. Then Wednesday morning woke up feeling awful again! He went to work and sent him home not more than an hour later. So the boys and I left, trying to avoid him the best we could. Which really sucks becuase my plan all week was to clean out the house and get ready for a garage sale on saturday. So you could imagine how much, or should i say how little, i got done yesterday. Las night I met J at lampost for dinner then brought the kids home put them to bed and went to my game by myself at 830. So not fun. I came home, slept on the couch and walked into my sauna of a bedroom this morning to get ready and he pops up saying he feels like crap and is going BACK to the dr. Will it ever end? Thank god he is gone right now and I can begin cleaning, who knows how far I will get. After I pick Jackson up from school I think I will get the kids outta here again. I promised Jack we would go to the pumpkin patch. He needs to get better ASAP because I cant do this garage sale by myself on Saturday. AHHHHHHHH! Please make it stop!!!!!

1 comment:

lauren said...

sorry... it seems like everyone i know is sick right now! it must be the change in weather or something.