Wednesday, September 30, 2009

One Tiny Hole...

... but ALOT of BLOOD!!! Ya you heard me, Blood!! Last night we were about to go brush the boys teeth and Jack rolled off the couch and hit his head on the corner of the coffee table. He was laying on the floor, kinda fake crying slash laughing. I say "cmon lets go brush your teeth." So he gets up and I gasp immediately when I see blood all over his face and all in his hand. He hears me and sees his hand and immediately starts crying. Luke looks at me with the "really amy?!" face and I cool, calm and collectively walk him to the sink as blood is dripping down his face, chest and pants. Then I take one good look at him and say "Ok peace out, I cant handle this!" and hand him over to Luke. IM SUCH A FREAKIN WIMP!!!! I grabbed Wyatt and went and brushed his teeth til I knew I was in the clear to come out (meaning when I knew most the blood was GONE!). I am so screwed if anything major ever happens to my kids. Soooo screwed. When I came back out the blood was gone, and there was just a big knot and hole in the middle of his head, right in between his eyes. Lol, a little hole for so much blood. Ughhhh I dont do blood, obviously.


Carrie Braunalicious said...

I am the same way, only I can totally deal with other people's blood and I pass out when I see my own. Poor little guy, but thankfully no permanent scars!

Valley Girl said...

isn't it amazing the amount of blood that comes out of a tiny head has always stunned me.

And i can't deal with my kids blood either...anyone else's i'm fine...but my so much!

I'm glad he is ok.

Marisa Fallon said...

I had a cut there and I have never seen so much blood..ewww