Friday, January 25, 2008

I Suck!

I totally suck, i brought my camera with me when i went to the hospital yesterday and dumb me left it in the car!!!! Jake said when they get home he will send me some though. If all of us are feeling better by this weekend we are gonna go over there and see them too so Ill bring my camera. Otherwise we are going there for Superbowl so you might all have to wait til then! I know, I suck!! But OMG they are soooo stinkin cute. Wyatt and I went yesterday after I dropped Jack at school. It was so weird to see two babies, and to compare two babies to either side of the family. I held Peyton the whole time, and completely fell in love!
Peyton came first and is the bigger one, 6lbs10oz but a half inch shorter than her sister. And you should have seen this blonde hair!!! It was like when a mexican kid comes out with a huge thick head of black hair only it was blonde! Sooooo much hair and so thick and it stuck up in a huge fro! It was cute. None of the nurses had ever seen anything like it! Nor had I. She has been super easy so far, nursing good, sleeping good, doesnt make a peep.
Regan is the smaller one and you can tell, her face and head were alot smaller than Peytons. She seems more petite. She came 16 minutes after her sister and was 6lbs1oz. Her hair was normal baby hair, darker than Peytons but just laid nicely on her head like usual. It wasnt super dark though, still kinda blonde. NOTHING like Peytons! Jake said she looks identical to McKenna when Kenna was born. Regan has been a bit of a butt. She cries everytime you put her down (Jake has held her 24/7 cuz he hates seeing her fuss). She is nursing pretty good too but not nearly as good as Peyton. Kristyn thinks she will be the tough one like Kenna was!
But they were all doing sooooo good and they are just so happy to have them here! Jake is hilarious. He is just one proud papa. I would ask Kristyn a question about the birth or something and Jake would answer it first. He cracked me up! He is just so cute with them and Im really happy they are both here and healthy and they finally had these babies they have been trying so hard for! They are two very lucky little girls!


Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...

How exciting! for some odd reason, I love everything baby right now? who knew!

and even though i have no idea who you are writing about....i wanna see the pictures you have been promising! i cant even imagine having twins... :)

The Trotter Family said...

Now I definitely have to see pictures of this little girl's hair. I have never heard of such a thing and I need to see it! Rachel Higham had a little girl that had a ton of black hair when she was born. She looked Asian, but it all fell out and she is light blond now! Weird how they change. I wonder if Peyton's hair will stick!

ashley said...

yep you suck. lets see some pics soon!
ha ha
that is so funny that they are so different, but cool too. and as excited as i am for them, i feel sorry for her for the next year- it's gonna be CRAZY!!!!! ;)