Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Our Lame Turtle

So the boys xmas present AKA Tuck the turtle is soooo lame! It hasnt eaten since we got it and I have been freaking about it thinking I am killing this turtle. Well finally my next door neighbor who has two of them told me not to stress cuz they are just hibernating. He says he doesnt even feed his for a few months during the winter. Thank Goodness I wasnt killing this thing. However, maybe its just cuz he is in hibernation mode but he does NOTHING!!!! He was so active when we first got him, hauling butt around the grass and the carpet ans swimming in circles. I want him to be like that agin! Guess i gotta wait til the warmer weather comes around and see what happens. Lame turtle.

On a different note, Wyatt finally got his fourth bottom tooth in. He had three for soooo long. No fuss about it or anything. Sometimes I just love that kid! His new favorite thing is nodding his head and saying uh-huh! Its so cute. Sometimes I just ask him a question just to hear him say it. He calls Nemo "emu". Shark is pronounced "ush". Wiggles is "ess". Hahaha In other words he has a hard time saying complete words haha but he tries. O and Bye is pronounced "Duh" hahaha he is so funny. When Jack first started talking everything was so clear. So its been a struggle to figure out what Wyatt is saying. The lisp doesnt help either and most of his sentences end with "ass".

Jackson has been hilarious lately. He has started talking with his "guys" and when he plays with his army guys or his motocross guys he has full on conversations between them . "Hey buddy, how are you?" "O im ok today, I hurt my arm" "Oh are you ok? OK good" O its so funny. I will stop everything Im doing just to listen to him. Its so cute. Anyways, just a few new things around here.... O and stay tuned for the Fitch twins either tomorrow or thursday, she is finally getting induced tomorrow! 38 weeks!!!! So excited!


ashley said...

a turtle! how fun. do you have a heating rock or a fake-sun light? that might help him to get a little warmer and be more active.

wyatt is so cute. i am so glad i got to meet them so that i now know more than just the pictures. and i know all about the slow talkers, have fun interperting for a while! i don't think he has a lisp, he just likes to say ass after everything.

and i can't believe those twins have not been born yet- 38 weeks is so good for twins. hope everything goes well for them all!

The Trotter Family said...

I hope the whole hibernation thing is true. I had a hermit crab when I was a senior in college and it wouldn't eat either, but then it just died! By the way, I love the quotes you posted. "I don't know, he just flew." That has to be my favorite!