Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Sorry guys, life is boring over here right now. Guess thats why I havent posted anything fun. We have all been battling colds for the last 5 days and Wyatts seems to be getting a little worst, he is coughing a nasty cough now. I havent done laundry in a week and there is a pile a mile high in our closet right now. So gross. At least Im feeling better though so i need to get on it.

I had girls bunco last night at our house. I was not a happy camper... I had been planning it for a month, everyone RSVP'd, I made dinner yesterday morning (chicken tortilla soup to throw in a crock pot) and it took me over two hours. I made dinner for 20 people. Well througout the day yesterday i had 8 people cancel, 8!!!! OMG was i so pissed. I didnt even have enough people to play. I scrambled to find a few more to at least have four tables (16 people) and finally at about four thirty (party starts at 6pm) I found the 16th person to complete the 4th table. Ughhh its so rude, thats my biggest pet peeve is flakey people like that. So Luke got home and took the kids to my brothers since Brandi was coming to our house to play. However right before he left the power went out!!!! THE WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD!!!!! My crock pots were off, i was trying to set up food and snacks and put on makeup all in the dark! Who knows what I looked like last night! I was on the verge of tears, you have no idea. It was so not my day! Mind you its 515ppm when the power goes off... I didnt know what to do. I seriosuly just wanted to cry after all that. FINALLY at 549pm the lights came back on, 549!!!! Gave me ten minutes to realize what the heck I had done to the kitchen cuz I couldnt see what I was doing the whole time. But oh my gosh was I happy to have power again! The party was still fun, everyone had a good time. Always nice to have a girls night.

Luke got home and went to the gym... first gym trip with his new pass. He was happy.

Other than that, life is just boring right now. Nothing too exciting. Pics to come soon. I promise. And we will see the twins sunday too so you will see the cute little boogers probably sunday night!!

1 comment:

The Trotter Family said...

I hate cold and flu season and flakey people. I feel for you!