Saturday, January 5, 2008

News Years Eve Party

So New Years was crazy... not the crazy your thinking of tho! We decided to have a few people over to the house.. mostly the ones with kids cuz no one was really doing anything. We made a big mexican fiesta, tacos, rice and beans, chips and guac. It was delicious, so much food we ate all the way til 330am when we finally went to bed. Everyone cacme over around 630, and from 630-10pm this house was mad chaos! We had I think 12-15 kids here, mostly boys between the ages of 18months and 5. CHAOS! Not like we dont usually have that many kids around, but for some reason they were nuts!!! And the porr girls didnt even know what to do with al these crazy boys! The girls were the oldest too so I kept telling them they were in charge, which I found hilarious cuz they didnt even know where to begin trying to control these boys! We tried locking them on the third floor with movies and toys but someone was constantly coming downstairs to tell on someone or get food or crying with a black eye. It was nuts. Finally after 10pm, the babies including Wy went to sleep and the older kids finally calmed down. We played a new game called NAQ, pretty fun. Made pomegranite martinis and rang in the new year. At some point during the night Luke ended up putting on his hitious Vanilla Ice costume from a few Haloweens ago (he tends to do this when we have parties and he has enough to drink!) It was hilarious, some people had never seen it before either which made it all that more funny! Mind you, this ridicuous get-up says "WORD TO YOUR MOTHER" on the back, in GOLD SEQUENCE! EWWW! It was fun, and mellow, which is what we were all shooting for this year I think. Jackson didnt go to sleep til 130am and then he and Wy were up at 7am. Can you say NEW YEARS DAY WAS A NIGHTMARE!!! We were beat, and hungover, and when we finally put the kids down I ended up napping and so did Luke and we spent the rest of the day doing NOTHING!!!! Anyways, regardless, it was a great way to ring in 2008!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If Mo ever sees that picture he will shoot you. Can't wait to see the "sa,sa,sa" game. Hopefully in a couple weeks.