Friday, March 14, 2008

My Week in a Nutshell

Its been busy... to say the least. Monday was like any other. However, monday night I got a call from a friend who was in need of a babysitter for tuesday for her 7 month old son Brandon (who is actually Caleys nephew). Her day care lady was out sick and even though she lived in Oceanside she works right down the street from us in Mission Viejo. Worked out perfect! Of course I was going to take him. I love babies. And he is soooo good and so stinkin cute. Honestly, all day monday i didnt hear a peep out of him til 330 in the afternoon when he finally got tired. Welll the day care lady was sick all week so I have had him since tuesday. Jackson absolutely loves him and calls him "little buddy" and has now gotten to the point where he says he has 2 little brothers. Wyatt on the other hand wasnt to fond of this other baby mommy carried around, at least for the first two days. The next two werent so bad. He even attempted playing with the little guy! Stubborn Wyatt. It was funny to see him act out the first two days just to get my attention. He knows how to work me for sure!! One morning he got here at 630 and even though my alarm was set for 615, Wyatt was up at 545 crying and when I put him back to bed I laid awake til my alarm went off. Wednesday as soon as he got picked up I ran around the house getting myself and the kids ready for our softball game and ran out the door sweating and had to eat my dinner in the car cuz i was just out of time. So as good as Brandon is, having a third child here for four days straight reaffirmed the fact that i DO NOT want anymore!!!! I am exhausted!! I honestly dont know how moms with threee little ones do it! And my poor mom had 5! What the heck was she thinking!!! I guarantee I would take him again in a heartbeat, I love this little guy, but if it were a permanent situation such as me having a third child I think I would die! I mean yes Wyatt is still really little and Brandon and him are only 13 months apart but still! I found myself being pulled in so many different directions, and trying to use more than the two hands i have! Getting them all in and out of a car, picking up jack from school, feeding them all lunch, it was just soooo much! I also forgot how much work a 7 month old is. The baby food and bottles and the fact that they arent as self sufficcient as my two, which on one hand is a good thing and on the other can make things more stressful! I tried so many things to keep everyone entertained it just never seemed to work. Walks, the park, playing in the front yard. Each time there was at least one of them who wasnt happy. And Wyatt, OMG. He tested me BIGTIME! Im sure it was cuz Brandon was here, and the fact that because I had Brandon in my arms or lap really made it hard to disipline him the right way. So it kept getting worst. I just didnt have enough hands or time to deal with everyone. So all and all just a very busy few days for me.

Yesterday, Luke came home from work and I was done for the day. I had no energy left. The dishes had been piled high in the sink for four days and the ones in the dishwasher had been clean for three. Not only did I not have the energy but I just didnt have time to do them. I didnt think I would get to them til saturday. Well when he came home he unloaded the dishwasher, reloaded it, cleaned out gross milk cups, washed the pots and pans then on top of it made me and the kids fish for dinner. He was like super dad yesterday! I couldnt tell him enough how much I appreciated it. I didnt even have to hint at it or ask him or anything! Well after dinner I took jackson to the bank with me then thought I would surprise him with some frozen yogurt for helping me out so much. So Jack and I went to the new yogurt place up the street where you make you own and they charge you per ounce. It was fun and Jack helped me pick out Lukes toppings (which consisted of gummy bears, white chocolate chips, and fresh strawberries, so random!). So I got home and Wyatt was bathed, brushed and pj'd and ready for bed! WHAT!?!?!??!??!?!?!?! Super dad for sure! I didnt even have to do baths! Jackson took a shower since Wyat was all done and I didnt do a thing! O I loved him double last night! LOL Luke-you are the best!!! Now, I need a drink..... TGIF!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He learned that from me. ;-)