Monday, March 24, 2008

Our Easter Extravaganza!

Or at least thats what it felt like.... loooooong day! (LOTS of pictures so be prepared!) Friday when Luke got home from work we took the kids to the park to practice tball with Jack.... hilarious. He was having more fun trying to get us to tag him out that he wasnt even concerned about where the bases were. After an hour or so of running in circles we went home to eat dinner then brought out the eggs! They were so excited to decorate eggs, after all I am the best mom EVER and found a transformers egg kit at target. God Bless Target! Jackson was an egg coloring maniac and had even more fun putting the stickers on them (Wy had more fun putting the stickers on his face!). Wyatt threw i temper tantrum most the time cuz i kept telling him no when he kept putting his fingers in the dye that stains your hands for 5 days.... seriously i still have blue in my nails!Luke sat at one end of the table twirling eggs (and cracking them) and was like a 6 year old the way he was so baffled that the egg could do the "sweet tricks" that it did! Aye yae yae.... After some cleaning up and some dessert it was off to bed. Saturday was a "me day". LOL I left the kids with Luke all day and went shopping and to lunch with my mom. I love those trips... I got some cute stuff! However about 1pm or so I got a text from Luke that was a picture of a blender and margarita mix... like he was trying to bait me home HA! As good as it sounded in the 85 degree heat I didnt fall for it. However when I got home the house was full of people and there were margaritas and pina coladas everywhere! So I helped myself too... my were they good! My "me days" always turn into a Luke day no matter what i swear!!
Wyatt coloring eggs, and his hand!
Jacks egg coloring expertise....Temper tantrum #1.... His sweet transformer egg guys!GRRRRRRRRRRR!
And now for the big day.... the kids woke up about 8am and we waddled on downstairs to see what the bunny had brought us! Jackson was ecstatic, he had a basket full of Transformer stuff, even the grass was transformer grass. Again, God Bless Target! And Wyatt had a basket (actually a sand bucket, thought it was much more practical this year since i missed out on buying the pottery barn ones yet again this year) full of car stuff, plus a ninja turtle so he wouldnt constantly be stealing his brothers and causing huge fights and chaos. After unloading those Wyatt had noticed an egg under the couch, so the easter egg hunt began!! Wyatt was actually really on top of it. I was shocked. He did so good and actually paid anttention the whole time and didnt get distracted. Aftewards, Luke ran out to get coffee and bagels and the kids and I unloaded all their eggs, probably the worst idea mom has had in a long time. They had alot of candy for breakfast.. healthy huh. The next hour and half we all scrambled to shower and get ready for the next event!! Which of course we were a liite bit late for... never fails on holidays like this...
About noon we headed to meet Ethan and Lari at Laris moms house. Of course Aunt Lari had easter baskets for the boys and we did another egg hunt down in the grass. Uncle Ethan helped Wyatt find his eggs. Jackson again ran around like a mad man picking them up. He got yet some more Transforners and him and Laris nephew Beckham played with those for a long time. Lari puts all ther initials on the bottom of the eggs so after they find them all she sorts through them and gives everyone their eggs. That way its even and she gives the appropriate prizes to all three of them. She is so cute, they love Aunt Lari. And its always nice to spend a holiday with them too, since we dont always get to. So after fun at the Portas house we were off to destination number three for the day!
Egg hunt #2
Uncle Ethan helping Wyatt...
RUNNNNNNN!!!!! Jack, Wyatt and Beckham with their loot!About ready for naps...Aunt Lari and her 3 boys!We got to my parents around 3pm and it was soooooooo nice at the beach!! Luke, Marc, Brandi and myself took the kids to the beach for a walk while Hunter boogie boarded (for alll of maybe 30 seconds that he could get in to the 55 degree water). It was nice... especially with the ice cold mudslide in my hand. Its starting to feel like alot like summer!!!! After getting back we did YET another egg hunt. Now that Hunter and Kylee are so old they help out the little kids. Sophia motored around like it was nobodys business... holy cow! The girl is 10 months old and she SPRINTS! Not to mention, here she is, the only girl with all her older boy cousins and she dominates! Wyatt kept yelling at her but I swear he was afraid, yes, even Wyatt was afraid of her. At one point Jackson held her back so Wyatt could get a toy back then Jack and Wyatt took off runnning through the house to get away from her and she CHASED them! OMG it was hilarious! She is a bruiser. Later in the night she saw Parker sitting in a little chair and apparentely wanted it cuz she stood on his lap LOL poor little Parker! Gammy came and Jackson was very excited as usual to see her! Anyways, we had some dinner and some apple crisp and celebrated my brothers' bdays. Ryan was on Friday! And Marc's was actually on Easter. So birthday shout outs to my brother's are in order!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARC AND RYAN!!! Hope you both enjoyed your cards Luke picked out ( I know i really shouldnt let him do that anymore!!) Ashley and I dominated in Joker and even beat the champions of the world AKA Luke and my dad! HAHA bet you two arent feeling very champion like now after getting beat by GIRLS!! A good day, filled with family, fun and lots of CANDY, eggs and treats!
Egg Hunt #3...
Reading books with Papa!Wyatt and his favorite girl!The boys!The babies... Sophia getting ready to dominate. Parker and Wy dont even know whats about to hit them! Byeee!Kylee, Sophia, Wy, hunter, Parker and Jack... the cousinsKylee helpin Wyatt...The fam....


ashley said...

wow. you did have an extravaganza.
how cute is wy's wings (of hair) over his ears? i am so glad you didn't cut it a while ago.
you guys are seriously the busiest people i know.

The Trotter Family said...

I LOVE their Easter outfits! I wanted to do a little sweater vest thing, but it didn't work out, so I ended up with a polo. It works! You guys are so dang busy. I would need a nap between events. I am sure they slept well that night!

Jeanne said...

Oh, you had a great Easter celebration! Reminds me of all the wonderful and crazy Easter parties we had when YOUR generation were the little ones. You, Michael, Ryan, Ashley, Scott, Jen and Andrew. Jack and Wyatt are so adorable and getting bigger toooo fast! Sophia is walking? OMG. I love you and miss you! I need to comment more often. I read your blog all the time, and it always, always makes me smile. :-)
Aunt Jeanne

Anonymous said...

Easter was great, and Aunt Jeanne is right... it's just like when all you kids were little! Great memories from then, and great memories now!