Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Wyatts Weekly Word Bank

So as fast as Wyatt has become a walking vocab whiz I just cant keep up with it all. Since this thing has become a bit of a baby book as well as a blog I decided I should start posting about all Wyatts new words or phrases as they come. Plus its pretty entertaining sometimes for the rest of you. So this post is named Wyatts Weekly Word Bank... cuz yes, its all Wyatts new words for the week. O and dont pay much attention to the pattern followed in most of these words, ummm im talking about the fact that most of his words start with a "d". LOL So let me begin....

Ill start with the word its supposed to be followed by how its pronounced (to the best of my ability) and then ending with a definition or at least where it came from!
1. Mimi... (ni-ni)...Most of you know this is his blanket. Same word Jack used for his blankie when he was about 16 months old. We just carried it on to Wyatt because thats what we know blankets by now lol

2. Oh No!... (oh-no).... This is one is self explanatory and he says it perfect obviously.

3. Angels... (n-gels)... Says this one pretty good. Now that angels baseball is back in full swing (haha get it?) Wyatt is pumped on his new favorite sport! He cheers throughout the game or yells "oh-no!". he loves the Angels, I guess he is my child!

4. Baby... (di-di).... I have been trying to get him to say baby forever now and he finally will. However its more along the lines of Di-di but he knows what hes saying now, as do i!

5. Please... (dees with a lisp)... FINALLY this kid has some manners! I know I posted this last week but he has pretty much mastered it. This was one of jacksons first words so you could imagine my frustration when I couldnt get this child to say anything like it! He says it all the time now, even without being asked. Thank goodness!
6. Thank you... (Duh-doh)... Again not the best pronounciation but I know what it is and you can tell when you give him something and he says it that he is really saying thank you! He is becoming very polite!!
7. Noodles... (n-oodles with a lisp)... Says this one pretty good. One of his favorite meals no matter what kind they are.

8. Transformers... (not even going to act like I know how to write this one because its a mumble jumble of sound)... I really dont know what he is saying unless he is holding a Transformer or the dvd case or watching the movie itself. However, i will give him the fact that it comes out the same every time. So at least he knows what hes saying.

9. Rice... (dice with a lisp)... This ones so cute. he cracks me up. Ithink he was asian in his last life... noodles and rice.

10. Kylee... (dy-eeeee).... He has been saying Ky (or dye) for awhile now but he just started finsihing the name with a long eeeeeee afterwards. Ky loves it. He will call her and yell at the top of his lungs "Dy-eeeeeee".
11. Daddy and Mommy.... these two he has mastered. its always been mama or mom, dada or dad. Just lately, like Kylee, he has actually been finishing the whole thing. Its so cute.

12. J... (day)... He isnt scared of J like his brother was and in fact has started saying his name all the time.
13. Owee.. (Ow-eee).... ya its not just OW anymore there is an eeeeeee at the end of this one too! Too funny.

1 comment:

ashley said...

don't you love how we can understand what they are saying when no one else can? so funny.