Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Saturday Mellow Night

So Saturday was our mellow night since we still had a recovering kid and one in remission (lol). I had a few hours to myself and went and got my nails done. I was supposed to go to the spa with Gianna that day but obviously I cancelled my massage to be home with my sick child (ahhhh the joys of motherhood!)... so at least I got a little time to go get my nails done instead. But of course when I got home Luke was off for his few hours of freedom. He and Gary went to Dailys to watch the Boston game. Well my sister had called me and wanted to come over and make us dinner. No arguing there huh?!?! Well right before her and Eric got to our hosue our doorbell had rang. We had been BOOED!!! We opened our door to find a big bowl of candy and spiders and a big BOO! sign on our front door. The boys were

so excited!! Tonight we are gonna go boo some of our neighbors. Anyways, so Ash got there and made us steaks and potatoes and veggies... it was so yummy. And Eric brought over a new beer that I loved so it was really nice. Luke got home just in time to eat dinner. Good old Auntie Ash also brought over some cookies to make with the boys. They were excited. They both pulled up their little stools and helped put the cookies on the sheet. Then of course ate them all hot and gooey, my favorite, before going to bed. I think it took Wyatts mind off not feeling great!! They also brought over a movie... The four of us watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall and laughed hysterically for 2 hours. It was a good one. It was a nice relaxing night and we owe Ash and Eric huge for pampering us that night! THANK YOU GUYS!!!! Gary Dog wanted a cookie baddddddddd!!!


Anonymous said...

Ummm... when is Auntie Ash gonna' come visit with Parker and make dinner and cookies? LOL!

Caley said...

looks yummy...bummed I was gone that night and missed the yummyness!