Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Day 4

He finally doesnt look like he is packing a big wad of dip in there! WAYYYY less swollen. Its lookin pretty good. The inside is still nasty. But you can tell its healing pretty well. Its still super sore but he eating everything just fine. Last night was the funniest. He had to go poo before going to bed so there he is on the toilet trying to push out a dookie and the poor kid looks up at me and says "Everytime I push harder and harder to get my poo out, my lip hurts..." then imeediately starts crying as he layin a terd in the can! I am dying laughing which is making him more frustrated so Im trying REALLY hard not crack up or even crack a smile (impossible might I add). He finally is done, wipes his butt and clings to me like a little monkey, still crying and really torn up by the fact that his dookie made his lip hurt. I was pretty worried this morning when he needed to poo again that we were going to have the same problem, lucky for him (not so lucky for me cuz I was highly entertained by it all) that one came out no problem. HAHA Sorry kinda graphic huh!?! Anyways, he is feeling much better and Im not quite so paranoid anymore. He rode his razor yesterday without me flinching once. Today should be a good day....

1 comment:

Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...

OMG...that was hilarious amy...i was laughing so hard my cats took off running and jason came by to see what was so funny!

poor little guy...but seriously, that was frickin hilarious!