Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Randomness and Sickness

Monday we took the bird nests down from the drains, since the baby birdies flew away this weekend. There were actually two nests up there. Luke gave me a hard time the whole time I was taking them down telling me I was going to get bird flu. He is such a germaphobe. I even did it with a plastic bag around my hand. He is crazy. Jack thought they were really cool. And it actually was really neat to see all the random stuff they put in it... there was a blue piece of rope wrapped up in there, and hair, ewwwww and tons of poop (reason I used a plastic bag!). And the nests werent much bigger than a softball. Kind of give you an idea as to how big those little birds were, or I guess I should say how little those little birds were. And here is some more random fun from the day/week. Including the crazy messy playroom that took me over a half hour to clean. How do children make such a huge mess. Ughhhh... I almost died when I walked up there. Sooo bad. And yes, sickness has hit our house. Wyatt started it on Sunday and by Monday morning I felt gross, Luke felt gross and a few hours later Jack sounded like poo too. Just a cold but definetely kept us all down Monday and Tuesday. I think today we are all feeling a whole lot better. Better be, we have a big weekend coming up. Of course.
Coolin down with otter pops.... My frisbee throwing stud muffin... Ohhhh my goodnesssss!!!
Tim McGraws biggest fan... maybe one day he will be just as hot!!
BARF!!!! So gross..... this doesnt even look as bad as it really was.


ashley said...

how do they make such huge messes? it's amazing.

as hot as tim...that is funny!

The Trotter Family said...

Yuck, those bird nests were nasty! I have more clothes for Wy, so try and make it to the party even if you just drop by to pick them up.