Friday, September 19, 2008


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Have i ever told you how much my kids DESPISE Chuck e. So much that yesterday when i asked Jack if he wanted to go to chuck e cheese he said no. He was too concerned that chuck e himself was going to be there. Sad huh?! I took them anyways. I met Erin and bailey there, and her niece Trinity and Ambra and Mase showed up too with baby Kendall. I love it during the week there... all you can eat buffet for $6... and if you know me, you know Im OBSESSED with their salad bar. Strange I know. Not to mention their cinnamon bread is TO DIE FOR! lol Im such a fat lard. The kids party hardied for a good two hours and wore themselves out for me. Love days like that. However when it came time to leave I noticed a certain mouse had come out of his hiding spot. I just kept thinking to myself "O $#%@! Go back to your home mouse before we have meltdowns here!" But noooooooo... of course they spot him and getting from the table to the front door was a problem. Jackson screamed like a little girl! Frantic, i tell ya! Its so pathetic. Second we walked out the front door it was like we had never been there. Tears, racing hearts, red faces, quivering lips and the death grips just came to a sudden hault. PATHETIC!!!!!
Jack and Mase... his bestest buddy

One of Wyatts favorite things to do there is put his tickets in the machine...I dont usually allow my kids to do this but I couldnt reisit snapping a picture before I made him get outta there!CHEESEBALLLLLLSS!!!!


Anonymous said...

Who loves Chuck E. Cheese more?
Mommy or her boys ? SMILE !
Apropos to read this just now, since I just clipped 2 more sets of Chuck E. Cheese Coupons to sent to you.
Cute, cute pictures !

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... I meant to put "GAMMY" on my post and it came out 'anonymous'!

Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...

i have never been to chuck e cheese....never!