Friday, September 5, 2008

Meet the Teacher Day!!

Jack had his orientation/meet the teacher day today! He was soooo excited to go back to school... however, he was even more disappointed when it wasn't like he remembered! They broke the class up into different groups and they had different orientations, so of course Landon wasn't there at the same time. So there was his first concern cuz we have been telling him that Landon is in his class again (thanks to me and Wendy working our magic at the end of last year!). Then he realizes Miss Amanda isn't his teacher anymore. Then after a half hour or so his teacher, Miss Miriam sent him on his way and he was not happy. For one, he wanted to stay longer and for two, he didnt even get to go play at the playground! GOD FORBID!!! But he made some new friends and he really liked Miss Miriam, so this should be a fun year!!

After his orientation he wanted to go say hi to Miss Beth and she greeted him and Wyatt with huge hugs and I missed you's... they LOVED Miss Beth, and she adored them so they were excited. We headed out and since Jackson was so upset about no playtime we headed to the park and then for a special lunch at McDonalds to celebrate school starting (Mom is the happiest ever in case you didn't know! I love school!WOOOOHOOOO!!!) So monday will be his first official day of school, and I cant wait! Oh I mean Jack cant wait :)


Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...

where is mohawk? :)

ashley said...

yeah, where is the mohawk?

cool that your going to do some photo stuff, that will be fun! you can edit while jack is at school- wow- time to your self!!!!!

Brooke and Aaron said...

Although I adore my girls I'm looking forward to when they are old enough to go to school! :) You're so lucky!

Unknown said...

What no Mohawk ...