Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy 5th!!

Kind of appropriate with the happy 5th i think.... on the 5th we went over to Jake and Kristyns for another celebration. Wyatt shares his birthday with Ambra and the 6th is Kristyn and Jennys birthdays. So we had a party for the 3 girls and they were nice enough to include Wyatt even after going to his huge blowout party two weeks ago! they even put a 2 candle on the cake when we sang happy birthday and let him blow out the candles for all of them. It was really nice. Anyways, Ky came with us because her and McKenna get attached at the hip and were there for 5 hours swimming and eating and watching all 17 kids hang out. No joke, 17 of them is what we have now amongst our close circle of friends. And that was missing Mr Miles so really 18. THATS NUTS!! McKenna is the oldest and is 6, so keep in mind all these kids are under the age of 7!! Almost 2 years ago we took a picture of all the kids... wanna know how many there were?!?! 8! Here is that picture... Wyatt was brand new, like 2 months old, the youngest one.....

Mason, McKenna, Boston, Dylan, Wyatt, Radyn, Jack and Taylor
Now there are 18... actually 19 because Andreal gave birth to her 3rd little girl two days ago (post to come soon!) and another few on their way lol. (Here are the 16 that were still there for pictures haha!)Brooklyn, Maddie, Dylan, Mason, Kendall, Jack, Wyatt, Radyn, Boston, Shane, taylor, McKenna, Payton, Camden, Regan and Ky! Madness! Not pictured-Emma, Miles and new baby Emersyn lol Crazy. Of course we have added some by birth and some because they have become close friends over the last few years. As crazy and chaotic as 18 kids are.... I love that my boys are growing up with all of them. And knowing that these are our close friends that arent going anywhere assures me that all these kids are going to remain close. Its like a big extended family for them. Crazy, chaotic, fun and they love every minute of it! Now you know why we are so busy all the time huh?!?! Anyways.... the kids swam forever, the guys did HUGE cannonballs off the diving board as all the kids below them chanted "MAKE WAVES! MAKE WAVES!!" I was dying laughing! We ate pizza, and cake, had some beers and just relaxed all afternoon! You can only imagine how tired my kids were when we left at 530pm. They both passed out FAST in the car. We dropped Kylee at home and went home to grab PJs for the boys and went to jeff and Lindsays for dinner. While we were at Jakes Jeff and Luke were plotting dinner and drinks like little kids, they go through withdrawls of each other like they NEVEr see each other. Ever since we moved from down the street they act like such babies about it. LOL... homos. So we got there, put the kids in Pjs, let them eat some dinner and stuck them in their bed to watch cartoons. They were wiped. Then the boys ditched us and went across the street to hang out with the neighbor and Lins and I sat there talking for two hours. It was actually kinda nice haha! Another fun, crazy day!! A day in the life huh.....
Dylan and Wy... they are buddies. Dylan leads Wyatt around everywhere by the hand. Its so cute.
Luke and the contraption he made for Wyatt and taylor.
Daddy and his boys...
Ky and Kenna...
Jackson and Emma in the spa...
jack pimpin it.... lol
Wyatt getting sang to... ready to blow out the candles!!
Cutie Regan... she was my buddy all weekend... love her!
Getting some air! "make waves! Make waves!"

CANNNONNNNBAAAALLLL!!!I think the kids booed Jeff after his pencil dive!

1 comment:

The Trotter Family said...

What a cute bunch of kids! You should make a tradition of taking their picture like that and watch them grow over the years. It is so strange how fast the time flies when you have kids!