Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Hero.... :)

When Luke got home Sunday night from his long weekend of meetings and entertaining out of towners for work, he woke me up to give me roses and presents, much of which I dont remember at all. However I do remember him showing me his awards he brought home. He was so cute about it and proud, even though he was exhausted he was like a kid on a sugar high when he got home cuz he was so excited to show me! He has worked so hard this last year at Scorpion and for him to get some recognition like this was very rewarding. He deserved it. However, where these huge ass, HEAVY, glass trophys are going to go is totally beyond me. One he recieved was for top sales in apparell for an inside rep. The other one, the HUGE one was for top overall sales in the company. This one must weigh 30 lbs. Anyways, I was so proud of him and so glad he got the recognition he deserves!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Luke... congratulations! You should be really proud of yourself... we are!! Way to go!