Tuesday, July 29, 2008

US Open

Soooo Luke was gone, again, this weekend. He had his national sales meeting all weekend, and although it was here in town he was stuck in a hotel so we didnt see him fri-sun. So the boys and I did our thing.... Saturday morning, after zero sleep all night, we got up at 7am and headed to my brothers. Marc and I took the kids to the US Open in Huntington Beach to watch the surfers and all the other cool stuff they have down there. It was sweet. We got there around 9am which was perfect cuz there wasnt a huge crowd, if you have ever been there you know that place is INSANE during this event. All the kids went from booth to booth collecting their free stuff like beggars on the street. I came home with so much chapstick, coozies, posters, stickers, whistles, shirts and CRAP you wouldnt believe it. Marc and I were dying of heat exhaustion but the kids kept powering through. We watched skateboarding for awhile and of course couldnt leave until Jack could watch the freestyle motocross. By noon we were SOOO done. It had just started getting crowded so walking through there with two hot, tired kids became quite a to nuisance to me. We gathered the troops and hiked back to the car. We finally got home and Marc and i cracked open a beer with Brandi and just sat for a few hours.... I felt so much better.


ashley said...

i remember getting bags of free stuff, so many stickers and stuff. love it. i can imagine it was a little hard with two little ones though.

The Trotter Family said...

I bet the boys had a blast. Tell Jill congrats, Sophie is adorable! I think she will enjoy that little munchkin!