Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fun Day at Knotts!

Yesterday, Luke took the day off, I called in sick for Jacks school and Keiras mom took the day off to put up xmas stuff which gave me the day off! So we all headed to Knotts Berry farm with Ryan, jenny and Parker. Right now cops and a guest get in free and they can bring up to 6 guests for $15!! I forgot how fun Knotts was! And it was empty!! We hit up the kiddie rides of course but the four of us adults took turns sitting with the kids and going on the big stuff!! Luke and I went on Bigfoot rapids where we both got soaked, and some other sweet rollercoaster where your feet dangle, TWICE! Jenny and I hit up Montezoomas revenge and the funniest pony roller coaster that had me crying at the end cuz I was laughing so hard! Luke and Ryan went on a bunch of stuff including this thing....

.... made me wanna throw up just watching them! I hate spinning rides! And Montezoomas where we got a sweet shot of them at the very top. Luke and Ryan are in the back row screaming like little girls!!!The kids had so much fun! Jack said his favorite ride was the log ride which we all got soaked on! He actually wanted to go on it twice!
We rode these race cars... Jack went by himself, he wouldnt have it any other way. And I rode with Wy who laughed hysterically the whole time!! My kids discovered Snoopy and Charlie Brown... they had never seen them or heard of them before (sad I know)! We rode all kinds of trains, boats and buses. Bumper cars and bounce houses. Jack wanted to get his face painted sooo bad too so we let him get the tiger he wanted! He sat so still and absolutely loved it afterwards. It was so cute. He had never wanted to do anything like that before. It turned out awesome though and its now 11am and he wont let me wash it off! Wyatt wanted nothing to do with the face paiting which was ok cuz it was EXPENSIVE! LOL We had 7 full hours of Knotts Berry farm and had the best time! I forgot how fun roller coasters are. Me and Luke are determined to take a trip to Magic Mtn soon, adults only! The gift shop was hit before we left where all the boys got snoopys. We had dinner at the Mrs Knotts restraunt and finally headed home around 8pm. Where both kids fell soundly asleep and slept til 8am this morning! Thanks Ryan and Jenny for a fun day!!


Anonymous said...

We had such a good time too and were so glad you could come with us. Plan on it for next year too! All three of the boys were so good- I was so proud of all of them! Thanks for coming with us!

Jonnie said...

I love Magic Mountain, can you guys take me too!

Caley said...


Unknown said...

Looks like you had a ball.