Saturday, December 20, 2008

Welcome Baby Brayden!!!

... So the end of the day.... Keira got picked up, Luke and the boys went next door to play, and Brandi came and picked me up! I stopped and got Ash some popsicles then we were off to the hospital. When we got there around 630, she was still at 2cm. This was ridiculous. The pain had started to kick in and every contrction was a bit more unbearable. You could tell she was getting tired too. I played on the board in her room for awhile... to pass some time.
My parents were there and they were starving so we went to Chilis across the street and had a few cocktails (enough to get me a little tipsy) and some dinner. We headed back around 9 or so at by that time she was still at 2 cm. We hung out with her for a bit then my dad decided he was going to go home and catch some z's. Us girls deicded to let her rest, and we went and sprawled out in the waiting room. My mom and I had an interesting adventure trying to fold a chair out that doesnt fold out which had us all dying laughing. Guess the alcohol had kicked in. When we were just about to doze off Eric called my phone, this was at midnight. He said "You guys wanna come in for a sec?" The drs were talking about doing a c section. We had a feeling this would happen. She is built like me and my mom where a baby just cant pass through our small pelvic area. LOL Her dr got there within 15 minutes. Eric geared up, not knowing how to put on booties, best story but I cant type it right now! and by about 1230 we were back in the waiting room waiting for this baby to come. My dad got back... he had gotten home, changed his clothes, got in bed and then the phone rang... hahah. Erics parents came and two of my sisters friends. We waited and waited and waited. Finally about 2am Eric came out and blubbering mess and told us we had a baby!!! he showed us pics and told us they were cleaning him up and stitching up Ash so it was gonna be a bit before we could see them. We were just all so excited!!! Finally around 3am the grandmas went in and then me and the grandpas and after that she didnt want anymore visitors! They were both sound asleep and we all left the hospital and went home to finally go to bed. I got home aorund 330 and crashed hard.... but I was so happy my new adorable nephew was here!

Brayden Lee Knip was born at 130am. Weighed in at 6lbs 14oz and was 18 1/2 inches long. He is perfect and gorgeous... us Erwins make some damn good lookin kids :) Congrats Ash and Eric... we love you guys!!

1 comment:

Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...

made me cry! im sooo happy for ash and eric and of course brayden!

i will be thinking thoughts of a quick and easy recovery for mama and wish i could come down and squeeze that adorable bundle of joy!

lastly, leave it to an Erwin, or 2, to break a chair in the waiting room at the hospital! way to go!