Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Day 5...

I love Spring/Summer.... I love when the weather is nice enough be outside all the time. I know I live in Socal and its not that bad, but I hate being out in dry windy air (which we have had ALOT of this year). I always feel like crap after... and I have the biggest allergy child alive (WYATT) so its a nightmare for him to be in. Spring and Summer means lots of fun stuff for our family... Angel games, the beach, the RIVER, MARGARITAS, our birthdays (yes all four of us) and lots and lots of walks... I love going for walks. I love taking the kids, the dog and of course Luke and just going for a walk.. no paticular destination. Its just so relaxing and carefree! I think I just listed alot more of my things I love!

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